On the morning of March 22, President Ma Ying-jeou met with Hiroshi Nakada, a former member of the Japanese House of Representatives...
On the evening of March 19, President Ma Ying-jeou concluded his trip to Central America, codenamed the Forever Peaceful Project, and...
After completing his state visit, codenamed the Forever Peaceful Project, during which he visited with ROC diplomatic allies from Central...
On the morning of March 17 (Belize time), President Ma Ying-jeou continued with his itinerary for a second day in Belize on his Central...
After completing his three-day, two-night visit to Guatemala, President Ma boarded an aircraft on March 16 (Wednesday) at 9:55 a.m. (Taipei...
Continuing with his visit to Central America on a trip codenamed the Forever Peaceful Project, President Ma Ying-jeou held a reception in...