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President Lai
President Lai

Dr. Lai Ching-te was born in 1959 in New Taipei City’s Wanli District. The son of a coal miner, his upbringing and medical training in empirical logic have given him the ability to understand and identify with the popular will and find tailor-made solutions, the foundations of a unique governing style that inspires public trust.

After receiving a B.S. from National Taiwan University’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Lai completed the Post-Bachelor Program in Medical Science at National Cheng Kung University. He then obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, making him one of the few physicians in Taiwan with rehabilitation, clinical care, and public health expertise.

In 1994 when he was a chief resident at National Cheng Kung University Hospital and Taiwan was holding its first direct election for Taiwan provincial governor, Dr. Lai began his involvement in public affairs as the head of a Tainan physicians association supporting Chen Ting-nan (陳定南), the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate for governor.

During the 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis, Dr. Lai decided to emulate his predecessors in the pursuit of democracy and gave up his medical career to enter politics. In the election for National Assembly representatives that year, he was the leading vote getter from Tainan City, and he set out on a historic mission to abolish the National Assembly.

In 1998, Dr. Lai was elected to the Legislative Yuan representing Tainan City. Leveraging his medical expertise, he played a dynamic role in the Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee while addressing over 100,000 local issues. Dr. Lai put equal emphasis on professional governance and solid service, and Tainan citizens showed their appreciation by electing him to the legislature for four consecutive terms (1999-2010).

During his legislative tenure, Dr. Lai was named “Best Legislator” by Citizen Congress Watch, demonstrated leadership and coordination skills as the DPP caucus whip, and led delegations to Japan and the United States to conduct parliamentary diplomacy. He chaired the legislature’s bipartisan Health, Welfare and Environment Foundation and was also part of a lobby group promoting Taiwan’s World Health Organization (WHO) membership, making seven trips to 22 countries including Korea, Japan, the United States, and European Union member states. In 2004, Dr. Lai was also chosen to participate in the US Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program.

In 2010, Tainan County and Tainan City were merged to form the Tainan Special Municipality. Dr. Lai was elected as the first mayor, building a reputation for honest, diligent, and efficient government that became known as the Tainan New Deal. Running for re-election in 2014, Dr. Lai garnered 72.9% of the vote, the highest percentage in Tainan history, and the highest for any county or city head since the lifting of martial law in 1987.

As mayor from 2010 to 2017, Dr. Lai also actively promoted city diplomacy, working closely with Japan’s government, National Diet, and private sector to promote exchanges and sister-city agreements, enhancing substantive ties in culture, tourism, sports, agriculture, and disaster relief. In 2014, he met with State Department and National Security Council officials responsible for Asia-Pacific affairs for topical discussions in Washington, DC.

In keynote speeches delivered in English at the Henry L. Stimson Center and Project 2049 Institute that same year, he cited the DPP’s achievements using the letters of the party’s English abbreviation: Democracy, Peace, and Prosperity. He was also invited by the Israeli government to attend the 2016 International Mayors Conference in Israel, and he was the only mayor representing an Asian city in attendance that year. In 2017, he visited Washington, DC once again to hold in-depth discussions with experts from well-known think tanks about the Indo-Pacific situation, US-China relations, and the international trade regime following the US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Taking on new leadership responsibilities in troubling times, Dr. Lai served as Taiwan’s premier from 2017 to 2019. His practical, results-oriented Cabinet adopted five key policy goals, setting out to promote: Taiwanese culture, the Green Silicon Island and smart digital nation concepts, a just society, and national well-being. His term of office also saw solid progress in achieving his vision of providing peaceful lives and employment security, sustainability, and balanced development throughout Taiwan.

In May of 2019, Dr. Lai traveled to Japan to deliver a speech to the House of Representatives on Taiwan-Japan relations during the Reiwa reign of Japan’s new emperor Naruhito. He also held talks with dozens of parliamentarians and secretaries from various political parties, emphasizing that new international conditions make Taiwan-Japan cooperation under the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy essential.

In November of 2019, as the anti-extradition movement roiled Hong Kong, Taiwan was in a key strategic location in the first island chain defending Asian democracy. With democratic institutions threatened like never before, Dr. Lai accepted President Tsai Ing-wen’s invitation to be her vice-presidential running mate in the following year’s election. Working on the front lines to consolidate Taiwan’s democratic system, he campaigned for the DPP candidates island-wide and defended Taiwan’s democracy, helping President Tsai win re-election and the DPP retain a legislative majority. The Tsai-Lai ticket rode to victory with a record-high of 8.17 million votes.

In February 2020, Dr. Lai accepted an invitation to the 68th National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, becoming the highest-ranking official from Taiwan to attend since official diplomatic relations were severed 41 years ago while opening a new chapter in Taiwan-US relations. In May, Dr. Lai was officially sworn in as the 15th-term Vice President. 

In January 2023, Dr. Lai began concurrently serving as DPP chairperson. In the same year, he was announced as the DPP candidate for Taiwan’s 16th-term presidential election, and was successfully elected in January 2024. Dr. Lai’s presidency is the first to mark three consecutive terms of the same political party in office since Taiwan began holding direct presidential elections in 1996. He is also the first president to have served both as vice president and as a physician. Dr. Lai was officially sworn in as the 16th-term president in May.

2024-09-30 Accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, meets with a delegation of participants in the 47th WorldSkills Competition. States that the government will continue to expand investment in technical and vocational education and promote a Ten-Billion-Dollar Youth Overseas Dream Fund so that technical and vocational education can flourish, and technical and vocational talent can develop expertise in their respective fields, strengthening Taiwan’s technical and vocational sector.
2024-09-28 Attends a celebration marking the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Taiwan Nurses Association. States that since his inauguration on May 20 this year, the government has taken a series of actions to address retention of and investment in nursing talent, including investing to enhance nursing staff levels, implementing specified nurse-patient ratios across all three shifts, and promoting the Healthy Taiwan Cultivation Plan. Expresses hope that the government and nursing community can collaborate to continue improving the working environment for nurses and achieve the goal of a Healthy Taiwan.
2024-09-27 Attends the opening ceremony of the third session of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (WTCC) 30th board of directors and supervisors meeting. Thanks the WTCC for becoming a bridge that links Taiwan and the international community, and expresses hope that friends in the Taiwanese business community will continue to invest in Taiwan so that Taiwan can engage with the world. Also thanks President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. of the Republic of Palau for attending, and for speaking up for Taiwan at various international venues.
2024-09-26 Presides over the first meeting of the Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee as the committee’s convener. States that he looks forward to establishing a platform to communicate and coordinate on our national resilience strategy, fostering a national consensus, and strengthening resilience throughout Taiwan in national defense, economic livelihoods, disaster prevention, and democracy. Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao also attends the meeting as deputy convener.
2024-09-25 Addresses the 2024 Concordia Annual Summit via video at the invitation of the New York-based non-profit organization Concordia, speaking on Taiwan’s key priorities in the current international security environment and vision for the future.
2024-09-24 Attends a civil defense training activity as part of Academia Formosana’s Ark Plan. Expresses hope that convening the Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee on a regular basis will enable all individuals to protect themselves and help others, while fostering unity and cooperation to protect our beloved Taiwan together.
2024-09-21 Attends a special event for National Disaster Preparedness Day entitled “Together on 921” to mark the 25th anniversary of the 921 Earthquake. States that the government will continue to raise whole-of-society disaster prevention awareness and integrate the strengths of all sectors to enhance the disaster prevention system and create a robust, resilient society, making the nation stronger and our people more confident to face challenges of all kinds.
2024-09-20 Observes a large-scale international disaster response drill for 2024 National Disaster Preparedness Day and emphasizes that disaster prevention is something that requires continuous improvement. States that the government will continue its efforts, and by utilizing new technology and creating a public-private collaboration network, closely cooperate with the international community and strengthen overall defense resilience throughout society to ensure that Taiwan is even more stable and secure.
2024-09-12 Meets with a delegation led by Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu Iakoba Taeia Italeli and his wife. Thanks Tuvalu for its longstanding support for Taiwan’s international participation. Expresses hope that our two countries will continue to collaborate closely in various areas and deepen our partnership as we work together for the sustainable development of the Pacific region.
2024-09-12 Attends a symposium entitled “Passing on a Legacy of Democracy” to mark the 60th anniversary of the “Declaration of Formosan Self-Salvation.” Expresses gratitude to our democratic forebearers for their contributions to Taiwan, showing the determination of the Taiwanese people in their pursuit of democracy, freedom, and human rights. States that we must continue to work together for Taiwan’s democracy and freedom and build a prosperous society so that the next generations can continue to savor freedom and enjoy the achievements of democracy.
2024-09-11 Accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, meets with the Taiwan delegation to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, and expresses gratitude for the glory they brought to Taiwan on the international stage with the nation’s best performance in the past five Paralympic Games. States that in addition to arranging for competitors to train at the National Sports Training Center, the government also provided logistics support, and will continue to put resources toward providing competitors and coaches with the most comprehensive support. Expresses hope that everyone will continue to give their all and bring glory to Taiwan.
2024-09-10 Attends the opening ceremony of the 2024 Overseas Community Affairs Council General Assembly. States that as president and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, his first mission is to ensure that the nation endures and progresses, unite the people of Taiwan, and uphold the commitment to resist annexation or encroachment upon our sovereignty; his second mission is to safeguard the lives and property of the public, and carry out the Four Pillars of Peace action plan; his third mission is to care for the lives and livelihoods of the 23 million people of Taiwan, and continue to invest in society so that all members of the public can enjoy the economic achievements of Taiwan society as a whole.
2024-09-10 Meets with a delegation of experts and scholars from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and affiliates involved in its Project on Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific Region. Indicates that while the partnership between Taiwan and the United States is strong and solid, as we face the global expansion of authoritarianism, we must build even more secure and resilient supply chains.
2024-09-09 Meets with a delegation of our nation’s participants in the championship games of the 2024 Little League Baseball World Series, 2024 Junior League Baseball World Series, and 2024 WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup, and lauds youth baseball players as heroes of Taiwan. States that the Executive Yuan is preparing to establish a Ministry of Physical Education and Sports Development to promote public participation in sports and spur sports industry development, hoping to enhance overall sports prowess so that Taiwan’s athletes can succeed in international competitions.
2024-09-06 Visits the Air Force Tien Chu unit, Army Penghu Defense Command air defense company, and Navy 146th Fleet to rally the troops before the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival. Addresses the crew of the Cheng Ho via the vessel’s public address system to express appreciation to our brothers and sisters in the Navy. Praises the nation’s armed forces for devoting their efforts to military training and protecting our territorial waters. Emphasizes that the government will continue to improve military base living environments, weapons, and equipment as a staunch supporter of the nation’s armed forces, and encourages everyone to form an elite force with honor, discipline, and strength.
2024-08-30 Nominates Chang Wen-chen (張文貞), Yao Li-ming (姚立明), Her Lai-jier (何賴傑), Chen Yun-tsai (陳運財), Wang Pi-fang (王碧芳), Fort Fu-te Liao (廖福特), and Liu Ching-yi (劉靜怡) as justices of the Constitutional Court, with the first two as president and vice president of the Judicial Yuan, respectively, and requests confirmation by the legislature.
2024-08-28 Meets with a delegation led by Mário César Martins de Camargo, president-elect of Rotary International for the year 2025–2026. Mentions that in June 2026, the Rotary International Convention will once again be held in Taiwan. Thanks the leadership of Rotary International for their support and Taiwan Rotary members for their efforts in obtaining the privilege of hosting the convention.
2024-08-27 Meets with Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chairman Ohashi Mitsuo. Expresses hope that we can work together to enter into another new era of friendly relations, and with other democratic partners, jointly advance democracy, peace, and prosperity around the world.
2024-08-26 Meets with British Office Taipei Representative John Dennis. Expresses hope that the United Kingdom will take concrete actions to support Taiwan, deepen Taiwan-UK ties, and jointly protect global peace and prosperity.
2024-08-22 Presides over the first meeting of the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee. Explains that the committee is not just about promoting a Healthy Taiwan, but also achieving a Balanced Taiwan. Expresses confidence that by soliciting a wide range of suggestions, engaging in diverse dialogue, and forging a consensus, the committee can help realize health equality and further elevate the standard of medical care in Taiwan.
2024-08-22 Meets with international participants from the Ketagalan Forum: 2024 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Expresses hope to work together with democratic partners to uphold our shared values and make even greater contributions to democracy, peace, and prosperity throughout the region and across the globe.
2024-08-22 Meets with a delegation led by former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Emphasizes that Taiwan will continue to increase its national defense capabilities and economic resilience and will stand alongside the democratic community to demonstrate the strength of deterrence and prevent war by preparing for war, and will use its strength to seek out and achieve peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
2024-08-21 Meets with a delegation led by Noda Yoshihiko, former prime minister and current chief executive advisor of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Expresses hope that Taiwan and Japan can sign a bilateral economic partnership agreement to deepen economic and trade ties and spur more mutual progress and development.
2024-08-21 Attends the opening of the Ketagalan Forum: 2024 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Indicates that Taiwan will implement the Four Pillars of Peace action plan for maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
2024-08-20 Meets with a study delegation from the Youth Division of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Expresses hope that democratic partners like Taiwan and Japan can continue to cooperate, facing the challenges of expanding authoritarianism together while establishing a closer partnership.
2024-08-20 Meets with a delegation led by Chairman of the United States House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Brad Wenstrup. States that Taiwan is capable of making even greater contributions to the global public health system. Expresses hope that Taiwan and the US can also deepen our partnerships in such areas as trade and the economy and security, jointly advancing prosperity and development in the region and around the world.
Accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, meets with Taiwan’s delegation to the 2024 Olympics in Paris and congratulates the athletes, coaches, and medical and administrative staff for their hard work, which put Taiwan in the international spotlight and boosted solidarity at home. States that preparations to establish a Ministry of Physical Education and Sports Development will be advanced.
2024-08-13 Meets with a delegation from the United States House of Representatives led by Representative Marilyn Strickland. Expresses hope that Taiwan and the US will continue to strengthen cooperation, jointly defend freedom and democracy, and contribute further to the development of global democracy, peace, and prosperity.
2024-08-13 Meets with a delegation of parliamentarians from Japan’s National Diet focused on security issues. States that Taiwan will implement the Four Pillars of Peace action plan, which entails strengthening national defense and economic resilience, and work together with our democratic partners to defend the values of freedom and democracy and maintain regional peace and stability.
2024-08-08 Presides over the first meeting of the National Climate Change Committee. Explains that, in line with the principle of equity, the committee has drawn its members from a diverse range of disciplines, generations, and perspectives, demonstrating the government’s determination to forge a social consensus through diversified dialogue. Expresses hope to formulate strategies for the nation’s sustainable development so that Taiwan society can forge a consensus and the nation can indeed develop sustainably.
2024-08-06 Accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, receives a briefing from the Executive Yuan on the central government’s proposed 2025 general budget. After comprehensive discussions at the meeting, states that the budget amply demonstrates the government’s determination to promote the well-being of the nation and its people alongside other policy goals. States that in addition to achieving financial soundness, increasing benefits, strengthening national defense, and bolstering the economy, the administrative team also places importance on the people’s most pressing needs, aiming to fulfill public expectations and continue promoting a Taiwan with balanced development.
2024-08-01 Attends the opening ceremony of the 2024 National Indigenous Policy Summit and puts forward a new policy blueprint for Taiwan’s indigenous communities that includes five key focal points: revitalization of indigenous languages, enhancement of health in indigenous communities, preservation of indigenous culture, cultivation of indigenous talent, and measures to spur sustainable development in indigenous homelands.
2024-07-30 Attends the annual summit of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China in Taipei. Thanks the largest ever multinational legislative delegation for demonstrating their nations’ consideration and support for Taiwan. Emphasizes that Taiwan will use its full strength to support the democratic umbrella with our partners in democracy so we may avert the threats of expanding authoritarianism, as we work together for global democracy, peace, and prosperity.
2024-07-29 Addresses the 10th Taiwan-Japan Exchange Summit in Tainan via video. States that with everyone’s support, he looks forward to continuing to unite the forces of Taiwan-Japan friendship. Says that Taiwan will work together with democratic countries to promote democracy, peace, and prosperity around the world.
2024-07-24-27 Visits the Central Emergency Operations Center to assess disaster prevention and response work for Typhoon Gaemi. On July 26 and 27, travels to Kaohsiung and Pingtung, respectively, to assess the disaster situation and stay informed of the progress of relief efforts. Calls for accelerated flood rescue and compensatory measures for agricultural losses.
2024-07-23 Observes drills by Air Force units participating in the 40th Han Kuang military exercises to boost morale. Encourages officers and troops to make an all-out effort so that our people and the world see our military’s resolve to defend our nation.
2024-07-22 Confers the Order of Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon upon Head of the European Economic and Trade Office Filip Grzegorzewski in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Taiwan-European Union relations. Expresses hope that Taiwan and the EU will continue to deepen exchanges in many areas and seek to establish such institutionalized mechanisms as a Taiwan-EU economic partnership agreement. Emphasizes that we can write a whole new chapter of diverse cooperation between Taiwan and the EU.
2024-07-18 Meets with international and Taiwanese members of the organizing committee for the 2024 Junior Chamber International (JCI) World Congress. Says that Taiwan will host this year’s JCI World Congress and that the event’s theme is “Technological Innovation for a Prosperous and Sustainable Future.” Expresses hope for Taiwan to harness the power for change through this event, as we work together to make the world a better place.
2024-07-16 Meets with a delegation led by President of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala Nery Abilio Ramos y Ramos. Welcomes Congress President Ramos to Taiwan for his first trip abroad since taking office. Thanks the Guatemalan Congress for continuing to support Taiwan’s international participation for many years. Says we look forward to Taiwan and Guatemala continuing to strengthen our diplomatic friendship by deepening exchanges and cooperation in all areas.
2024-07-15 Meets with a delegation led by Speaker of the Nitijela (parliament) of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Brenson Wase. Thanks the Nitijela for passing two resolutions in April in support of Taiwan’s international participation and the further deepening of diplomatic relations between our countries. Expresses hope of further expanding cooperation and exchanges across many areas and creating even greater well-being for both our peoples.
2024-07-12 Meets with a delegation from Micron Technology. Thanks Micron for its long-term investment in Taiwan, spurring supply chain localization. Says that here in Taiwan, beyond offering high-efficiency production, our government also attaches importance to businesses’ needs. Expresses hope that Micron will continue to expand its research and development capacity here, working with local supply chain partners to seize AI business opportunities.
2024-07-10 Meets with the new Director of the American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Office Raymond Greene. Emphasizes that Taiwan and the United States are staunch partners that actively help maintain peaceful and stable development throughout the region. Says that under Director Greene’s leadership, the Taiwan-US partnership will surely continue to deepen in all manner of fields, further elevating our ties.
2024-07-09 Attends the flag presentation ceremony for Taiwan’s delegation to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Praises the athletes for their years of hard work that led them to the global stage, building national unity, and wishes the delegation a smashing success.
2024-07-09 Delivers a message of encouragement via video for an armed forces psychological combat readiness education program to boost troops’ morale ahead of the annual Han Kuang military exercises, marking the first time a president has done such for the program.
2024-07-08 Presents Taiwan Employment Gold Cards and meets with outstanding card holders. Notes that we are marking a milestone, as there are now more than 10,000 Employment Gold Cards issued. Says that Taiwan must continue building an environment where international talent feel at home and expand recruitment of global talent as we leverage international experience for Taiwan’s development.
2024-07-07 Meets with an economic and trade delegation led by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Indicates that Taiwan is now Texas’s ninth-largest export market. Says that Governor Abbott will open the State of Texas Taiwan Office and sign an economic development statement of intent with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which will help create new and limitless opportunities for even stronger collaboration between Taiwanese and United States businesses. Expresses confidence that the office will make the Taiwan-US partnership even stronger and deeper.
2024-07-03 Presents Director of the American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Office Sandra Oudkirk with the Order of Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon in recognition of her outstanding contributions to Taiwan-US relations. States that with Director Oudkirk’s efforts over these past three years, Taiwan and the US have seen considerable results in national defense and economic and trade cooperation.
2024-06-25 Meets with a delegation from the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a body established by the US Congress. Says that in facing expanding authoritarianism, we are well aware that strengthening Taiwan’s security will strengthen regional security and advance global peace and prosperity. States that Taiwan will continue to manage cross-strait relations responsibly and will endeavor to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait and in the Indo-Pacific region. Expresses hope that the international community will not allow China to decide at its own whim where to draw the red line.
2024-06-24 Delivers remarks on recent legislative amendments. States that he will petition the Constitutional Court for a constitutional interpretation, as well as petition for a preliminary injunction. Expresses hope that all of our fellow citizens can work together to safeguard our constitutional system, more deeply entrench our democracy, and protect the rights of the people.
2024-06-24 Accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, welcomes Prime Minister Terrance Drew of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis and his wife with full military honors. In bilateral talks with Prime Minister Drew, thanks St. Kitts and Nevis for its longstanding support for Taiwan’s international participation and expresses hope that our two countries will continue to strengthen cooperation in such areas as medicine and public health, agricultural technology, and women’s empowerment. Hosts a state luncheon at the Presidential Office in honor of Prime Minister Drew and his wife.
2024-06-19 Holds a press conference marking his first month in office titled “Building Trust through Policy Initiatives: A New Taiwan for an Era of Innovation” to announce the establishment of three committees at the Presidential Office: the National Climate Change Committee, Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee, and Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee. Notes that the goal of the committees is to develop national strategies, engage in dialogue with civil society, deepen cooperation with the international community, and take action for Taiwan’s future.
2024-06-18 Meets with a senior delegation from the Atlantic Council, a think tank based in Washington, DC. Says that his administration will actively strengthen Taiwan’s partnerships with other democracies through values-based diplomacy in order to promote democracy, peace, and prosperity and enhance the welfare of our peoples.
2024-06-16 Presides over the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of China Military Academy (also known as “Whampoa”). States that he has three expectations for the cadets: first, to deeply grasp the historical significance of sacrifice, unity, and responsibility; second, to give their all for their fellow citizens; third, to defend national sovereignty. Expresses hope that they can all work together to safeguard national dignity and bring honor and prosperity to the nation.
2024-06-15 Attends the 5th National Oceans Day celebration. States that the government is promoting three pieces of ocean-related legislation to help enhance the resilience of the ocean environment. Expresses hope that the central and local governments can work in concert to develop the strengths of our maritime nation and maritime cities, giving Taiwan wind in its sails as it continues to engage with the world. Later, presides over the commissioning ceremony of the offshore patrol vessel the Yunlin.
2024-06-14 Meets with Ambassador James Moriarty, former American Institute in Taiwan Chairman. Says that Taiwan will continue showing the world our determination to defend ourselves and safeguard freedom and democracy. States that Taiwan will continue to actively work with the United States and other like-minded countries to overcome various challenges.
2024-06-14 Meets with a delegation led by Czech Republic Senate First Vice-President Jiří Drahoš. States that as part of our Taiwan-Czech resilience project, Taiwan’s first overseas integrated circuit design training base will be established in Prague. Also states that the Czech Centre in Taipei opens on June 14. Expresses confidence that moving forward, cooperation between Taiwan and the Czech Republic is sure to deepen, creating prosperity and growth for both our nations.
2024-06-13 Attends the 2024 Europe Day Dinner. Expresses gratitude to the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan for advancing the Taiwan-EU economic and trade relationship and enhancing our industrial links. Thanks our friends from Europe for voicing support for Taiwan’s participation in the WHA, and for offering their support and underlining the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Expresses hope for Taiwan to sign an economic partnership agreement with the European Union, which would give businesses on both sides a better investment environment and more business opportunities.
2024-06-13 In an interview with Time magazine, responds to questions regarding diplomacy, cross-strait relations, the semiconductor industry, and Taiwan’s domestic economic development.
2024-06-13 Meets with a delegation led by former United States Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger. States that the new government will actively implement the Four Pillars of Peace action plan and that we will work closely with the US and other like-minded countries to become stronger and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. 
2024-06-11 Approves the Executive Yuan’s request for a reconsideration of amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan’s Power, as well as to the Criminal Code of the Republic of China. Expresses hope that all political parties in the Legislative Yuan will carefully reexamine the content of the bills and seek consensus that is both legal and constitutional while prioritizing national interests.
2024-06-03 Meets with a delegation led by International Peace Foundation (IPF) Founder and Chairman Uwe Morawetz. Thanks the IPF for coming to Taiwan to promote the Taiwan BRIDGES event series with National Taiwan University. Says the program will not only benefit Taiwan’s scholars, but also deepen our international connections and enhance our global reach.
2024-06-01 Meets with members of Taiwan’s World Health Assembly (WHA) action team. States that standing on the front lines, the team fought for the human right to health for both Taiwan and the world. Also thanks the international community for their support for Taiwan. Says that one of the new government’s goals is to create a healthier Taiwan, as we want our people to live longer and healthier, and that we want to leverage Taiwan’s strengths in public health and medicine. States that we will continue to deepen our partnerships with other countries.
2024-05-31 Nominates Chou Hung-hsien (周弘憲) and Hsu Shu-hsiang (許舒翔), as well as seven people, Chiau Wen-yan (邱文彥), Teng Chia-chi (鄧家基), Wang Hsiu-hung (王秀紅), Lu Chiu-hui (呂秋慧), Ker Li-ling (柯麗鈴), Huang Tong-yi (黃東益), and Iwan Nawi (伊萬.納威), as 14th-term Examination Yuan President, Vice President, and members, respectively and officially requests confirmation by the legislature.
2024-05-29 Meets with a bipartisan United States congressional delegation led by Senator Tammy Duckworth. In remarks, thanks the members of the delegation for contributing much to the deepening of Taiwan-US relations. States that thanks to their support, such legislation as the annual National Defense Authorization Act and the Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act that was passed the previous month have included initiatives and resources related to Taiwan. Expresses hope that Taiwan and the US, through closer cooperation and exchanges, can contribute even more to regional prosperity and development.
2024-05-27 Meets with a bipartisan United States congressional delegation led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul. In remarks, states that the new administration will uphold the Four Commitments and actively implement the Four Pillars of Peace action plan, and that Taiwan will continue to deepen cooperation with the US and other like-minded countries. Expresses hope that Congress will continue to assist Taiwan in strengthening our self-defense capabilities through legislative action, and that the Taiwan-US double taxation issue will be resolved swiftly.
2024-05-23 Travels to Taoyuan to visit the ROC Marine Corps’ 66th Brigade for the first time in the capacity of commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Encourages the troops to persevere in their streamlined and diligent training, and achieve their mission objectives. States that he will continue to advance national defense reform, enhance overall combat capabilities, and ensure that our military personnel receive even better care, showing the world our determination to protect democratic Taiwan.
2024-05-22 Meets with delegations led by President Hilda C. Heine of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and her husband, Prime Minister Feleti Teo of Tuvalu and his wife, and Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre of Saint Lucia. Also meets with former President Dalia Grybauskaitė of the Republic of Lithuania, a delegation led by Prime Minister Geoffrey Hanley of Saint Christopher and Nevis, a delegation from the Republic of Somaliland to the presidential inauguration, a delegation from Singapore to the inauguration, and Republic of Haiti Ambassador Roudy Stanley Penn.
2024-05-21 Witnesses the signing of joint communiqués on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Palau and Saint Christopher and Nevis, as well as between Palau and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in anticipation of working together to support one another, and with the global democratic community, continuing to jointly safeguard democracy, freedom, and peace.
2024-05-21 Holds bilateral talks with King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Eswatini and witnesses the signing of a bilateral joint statement, a memorandum of understanding regarding the establishment of a digital commerce initiative, and a memorandum of cooperation between the central banks of Taiwan and Eswatini.
2024-05-21 Meets with delegations led by President Santiago Peña Palacios of the Republic of Paraguay, President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. of the Republic of Palau and his wife, Prime Minister John Briceño of Belize, and Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and his wife. Also meets with papal envoy and Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Charles John Brown, a delegation led by 70th United States Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, the United Kingdom Trade Envoy to Taiwan and a delegation from the British-Taiwanese All-Party Parliamentary Group to the presidential inauguration, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Ramiro Martínez of the Republic of Guatemala. In addition, meets with President Bernardo Arévalo of Guatemala via videoconference.
2024-05-20 Meets with Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa Yohei, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association President Tanizaki Yasuaki, a delegation from the United States to the presidential inauguration, wife of late Prime Minister Abe Shinzo of Japan Abe Akie, and a delegation from Canada to the inauguration. On the same day, hosts a luncheon for a Japanese Diet delegation to the inauguration with Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao.
2024-05-20 Sworn in as the 16th-term president of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and delivers an inaugural address. Together with Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, receives congratulations from heads of state, special envoys, and high-ranking government officials of diplomatic allies and friendly nations.
President Lai
Vice President Hsiao
Presidents since 1947
Vice Presidents since 1947
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