President Tsai Ing-wen, concluding her transit stop in New York, departed for the Republic of Guatemala. After a five-hour flight, her...
On the evening of March 30 local time (morning of March 31 Taipei time), as part of the "Meeting Democratic Partners, Fostering...
On the afternoon of March 30 local time (early morning of March 31 Taipei time), President Tsai Ing-wen, on transit through the United...
On the morning of March 30 local time (evening of March 30 Taipei time), President Tsai Ing-wen toured Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry in New...
On the afternoon of March 29 local time (early morning of March 30 Taipei time), President Tsai Ing-wen arrived at New York City's John...
At 12:40 p.m. on March 29, President Tsai Ing-wen departed from Taiwan for a visit to two of our diplomatic allies. During the flight,...