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President Tsai attends inauguration of Nicaraguan President Ortega
President Tsai attends inauguration of Nicaraguan President Ortega

At 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10 local time (7:00 a.m. on January 11 Taipei time), President Tsai Ing-wen proceeded to the Plaza de la Revolucion in Managua to attend the inauguration of President Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Vice President Rosario Murillo of the Republic of Nicaragua.

Before the ceremony got underway, President Tsai entered the venue and took her seat between El Salvadoran President Salvador Sanchez Ceren and Nicaraguan Vice President Murillo. The president took advantage of the opportunity to exchange pleasantries with other heads of state who were there for the inauguration.

The inauguration ceremony was commenced by Nicaragua National Assembly President Gustavo Porras, who swore in Vice President Murillo and then President Ortega, with First Secretary Loria Dixon of the Nicaragua National Assembly serving as witness. As part of their oaths of office, the president and vice president pledged to lead the people of Nicaragua toward prosperity, security, and happiness in accordance with the will of God, the nation, and the people. The president and vice president then signed a record of the proceedings.

President Tsai, the other heads of state, special envoys, and Nicaraguan officials then stood witness as National Assembly President Porras placed the presidential sash upon President Ortega.

After blessings from Miguel Cardinal Obando Bravo, Archbishop Emeritus of Managua, President Ortega delivered an inaugural address to outline his governing principles and his vision for national development. During his address, President Ortega referred to President Tsai as his sister and told the audience that she was present. At that point, President Tsai stood up and greeted the crowd, which responded with enthusiastic applause.

In addition to the delegation from Taiwan, other heads of state and special envoys in attendance at the inauguration ceremony included: Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez; El Salvadoran President Salvador Sanchez Ceren; Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro; Jatri Adouh, Speaker of the Saharawi National Council; Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly; Guatemalan Vice President Jafeth Cabrera Franco; Cuban First Vice-President Miguel Diaz Canel Bermudez; Central American Parliament President Priscilla Weeden; and member of the Japanese House of Representatives Shinako Tsuchiya.

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