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Vice President Lien Meets with Japanese Congressmen

Vice President Lien Chan this morning told a group of Japanese congressmen, who are members of the Youth Bureau of the Liberal Democratic Party, that current cross-Strait relations should never be zero-sum situation or military confrontation, but rather the competition between two systems or ways of life from which the Chinese people can choose to best suit their need. It is a reality that on each side of the Taiwan Strait there exists a separate political entity, whereas the 21.5 million Chinese on Taiwan refuse to accept totalitarian communism and wish to pursue a unified China under freedom, democracy and equitable prosperity, the Vice President noted.

Vice President Lien also pointed out that the ROC government has been promoting the exchanges and trade between Taiwan and the mainland for enhancing mutual understanding, reducing differences and establishing a healthy bilateral interaction. "Through these ways, we hope the mainland would be transformed into a society of freedom, democracy and equitable prosperity. By that time, the unification of China will come true. I hope world nations, including Japan, could understand and support the ROC's position in this regard," the Vice President said.

On the democratization process of the Repulbic of China on Taiwan, Vice President Lien stressed that, after the March 23, 1996, election during which the president and vice president of this country were elected by direct, popular vote, the ROC has become a genuine democracy, thus attesting to the fact that Chinese people are capable of implementing democratic system.

Furthermore, Vice President Lien told his guests that though Japan is the most advanced country in Asia in terms of political and economic development, yet if Japan wishes to become a really respectable country, it should possess broad and forward-looking vision, not just military and economic strength. The Vice President also hoped that the Youth Bureau of the Liberal Democratic Party could maintain its longtime close and friendly relationship with the ROC and help cement the cooperation and exchanges between both countries.

Accompanied by ROC Vice Foreign Minister C. J. Chen and President Lin Chin-chin of the Association of East Asian Relations, the Japanese congressmen, including Representatives Abe Shinzo, Arai Hiroyuki, Kishida Fumio, Shimomura Hakubun, and Kawai Katsuyuki, as well as Senators Hase Hiroshi and Hayashi Yoshimasa, came to the Office of the President for the meeting. Mr. Stephen S. F. Chen, deputy secretary-general to the President, was also present.

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