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President Lee and Chad President Exchange Orders

President Lee Teng-hui and President Idriss Deby of the Republic of Chad this evening exchanged medals, symbolizing the firm and solid friendship between the two countries.

The ceremony was held in the Office of the President, witnessed by ROC Vice President Lien Chan, Secretary-General (to the ROC President) Huang Kun-huei, Chad Foreign Minister Mahamat Saleh Annadif, and other ranking officials from both countries.

On behalf of the government and the people of the ROC, President Lee conferred the Order of Brilliant Jade with Grand Cordon on President Deby in a tribute to his efforts at promoting bilateral friendship. In return, President Lee received the Grand Cross Medal, Chad's ultimate symbol of respect, from the Chad president.

In their remarks after receiving the decoration, both heads of state noted that the decoration they just received was not directed only toward themselves, but also to their two countries. Both of them stressed that they will do their best to further strengthen the ties of friendship existing between the two countries.

President Lee said that President Deby's visit since the two countries resumed formal diplomatic relations just two months ago and his determination to strengthen mutual friendly and cooperative relations will make the friendship between both countries more solid.

President Lee also pointed out that at present the ROC-Chad bilateral cooperative relations are gradually expanding, particularly in the fields of agriculture and medical care. He therefore believed that both countries should further bolster relations in other fields on the basis of reciprocity and mutual trust.

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