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President Lee's New Year's Day Message

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today marks the beginning of the eighty-ninth year of the Republic of China and the dawn of a new millennium. At this new stage of civilization, we must, with a broad vision, contemplate the historical significance of our national development and identify objectives for future national growth. In doing so, we can build a beautiful new era for our national progress and humanity's peace and prosperity.

Over the past half-century and especially during the past decade, continual reform and the strenuous efforts of our citizenry have accumulated a wealth of successes and achievements. We have opened a new era of freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the history of the Republic of China, and written a glorious chapter in the development of civilization:

1. Vigorous development of democracy

Since 1990, we have promoted political reform and realized the nation-founding ideal of "popular sovereignty" through constitutional revision and national consensus, while maintaining social stability. Not only have we given our entire citizenry a free and democratic way of life, but also established an exemplary model of success for developing countries and given new strength to the world's democratic camp.

2. Growing sophistication in defense capability

Under the strategic principle of "consolidated defense and effective deterrence," we have strengthened our military combat readiness and defense modernization to effectively ensure national security. We have also provided a stabilizing force for the peace and security of the Taiwan Strait and the Asia-Pacific region.

3. Steady and resourceful mainland policy

Since our government loosened its restrictions on visiting relatives on the Chinese mainland, we have promoted gradually expanding cross-strait exchanges, established an institutionalized channel for consultation, and opened a new era for peaceful competition between the two sides of the Strait. Although Beijing continues to create obstacles while refusing to face the reality that the two sides are under separate rule--neither of which is subordinate to the other--our goal of pursuing a new China founded on democracy, freedom, and equitable prosperity will never change.

4. Continued economic prosperity and progress

In recent years, the government has gradually achieved success in its plans to develop Taiwan into an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center, expand domestic demand, strengthen the economic system, and establish a nation rooted in science and technology. Despite the painful and difficult trials brought by the Asian financial crisis two years ago and the September 21 earthquake of this past year, our sound economic system and effective countermeasures have enabled us to overcome countless difficulties and create a new environment favorable for development.

There is no limit to national development, and there should be no halt in our efforts. In the global village where competition is intense and fast changing, we must be vigilant at all times to maintain a competitive edge. In the coming year, we must actively work to attain six main objectives, so as to create new developmental opportunities for the nation beginning in the year 2000:

First, we must accelerate the September 21 earthquake reconstruction efforts. Last year, the September 21 earthquake took the lives of more than two thousand of our compatriots, and made over one hundred thousand people homeless--a tragic loss to our nation. Through the joint efforts of the government and the whole nation, the earthquake victims have been resettled and reconstruction work successively carried out. We have the confidence and determination to complete our post-earthquake reconstruction work, so that all our compatriots will soon walk out from the shadow of this disaster and rebuild our beautiful homeland.

Second, we must safeguard national survival and development. Safeguarding the ROC's survival and development is the joint mission of all citizens, while striving to improve the livelihood of the 22 million of our compatriots is our major objective. We staunchly uphold that both sides of the Strait should conduct extensive and constructive dialogue based on parity to jointly improve cross-strait interaction and promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, we must actively strive to participate in international organizations, expand our foreign relations, ensure our rightful status in the new international order, and seek greater room for development, all to protect national dignity and the welfare of our citizens.

Third, we must raise the nation's overall competitiveness. Our sound economic structure was an important factor in our ability to stand firm throughout the Asian financial crisis, and it will be the main determinant for continued economic success in the future. In order to counter increasingly intense global competition, we must further upgrade our industry, strengthen our economic foundation, keep abreast of international developments, establish a sound financial system, and maintain prosperous economic growth.

Fourth, we must strengthen political accountability. With the implementation of democratic government, the general public has greater expectations, thus making our responsibilities more challenging. Through government restructuring, we must open a new era in political ethics so that the government can truly shoulder its responsibilities, initiate innovation and reform, and actively resolve the problems of the people. In so doing, we can firmly establish a true democratic government of the people and for the people.

Fifth, we must enrich the democratic culture of society. The operation of our democratic institutions has gradually taken shape and our citizens have become increasingly ardent in their participation in public affairs. However, as we advance toward a mature democratic society, we must give attention to several tasks: We must dedicate ourselves to cultivating our understanding of democracy and the rule of law; carry out judicial reform and educational innovation; promote social welfare and cultural development; enhance community development; consolidate our sense of national unity; and establish a new society that is caring, humanitarian, and filled with justice.

Sixth, we must continue to promote spiritual revitalization. Since the September 21 earthquake, all our citizens have demonstrated admirable love and concern for one another. Not only have our compatriots affected by the earthquake felt the warmth of human affection, but our entire society has also been infused with a motivating force for rebirth and reinvention. Our concrete actions of mutual support and concern serve as a starting point for a nationwide spiritual revitalization. We hope that through profound contemplation by all, a positive and meaningful view of life will bring a new vitality to society.

This March, we will be holding the second direct presidential election. This election is extremely meaningful in the consolidation of constitutional government and the deepening of democracy. Our entire citizenry must use the power of popular sovereignty to lay a foundation for sustainable development that ensures the prosperity and stability of the ROC and the welfare of future generations.

Due to our long-term efforts, it is very likely that we will officially enter the World Trade Organization this year, which will enmesh our economic development closely with international society and allow us to make more active contributions to the world community. The international society then will more clearly understand the active role the ROC has played as a creator of prosperity for the world with its economic strength and democratic achievements.

Ladies and gentlemen: Although Taiwan is limited in land and natural resources, we have passed difficult tests and achieved the remarkable Taiwan Experience through the joint efforts of our entire citizenry. In the future, the massive tide of democratization, globalization, and the information revolution will continue to make a great impact on civilization. We should move with these momentous changes and grasp opportunities to attain further development. I am confident that as long as we carry out our common goals and strive for success, our nation will stride into a brilliant new era.

May the Republic of China enjoy long prosperity, and may you all enjoy a happy New Year.

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