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President Chen Presides over Swearing-in Ceremony of New Cabinet

Taipei, Oct. 6 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian presided over the swearing-in ceremony of new Cabinet members and other top government officials, including Premier Chang Chun-hsiung and Secretary-General to the President Yu Shyi-kun, at the Presidential Office Friday.

The Cabinet underwent a partial reshuffle after the resignation of Tang Fei as premier Tuesday evening. The new and old government agency heads faced the national flag and a portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China, to give their oath of dedication to serving the nation and the people.

The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed by Vice President Annette Lu, Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng, Judicial Yuan President Weng Yueh-sheng, Examination Minister Hsu Shui-teh, Control Yuan President Frederick Chien, National Security Council Secretary General Chuang Ming-yao, as well as two deputy secretary-generals to President Chen Tze-nan and Eugene Chien.

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