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R.O.C., Guatemala Sign Joint Communiqué

Taipei, Aug. 25 (CNA) "Small nations united can become giants, " President Chen Shui-bian told his Guatemala counterpart Alfonso Portillo Monday before the two signed a joint communiqué at the end of Portillo's five-day Taiwan visit.

Echoing a statement made by Portillo that minor states have to unite to make their presence felt, Chen said joining forces can turn small countries into giants.

Praising Portillo as a charismatic orator, Chen said the Guatemalan president has fascinated the host country's 23 million people with his grace. If Portillo would speak out for the Republic of China at the United Nations, it would certainly be a great boost for the ROC's bid to return to the international organization, Chen said.

In the joint communiqué, both Chen and Portillo gave a pat on the back to each other by admiring the other's contributions to their countries, and pledged to continue their cooperation and friendship.

On the part of the ROC, Chen promised to keep encouraging Taiwan businessmen to invest in Guatemala to create more jobs for that country, and upgrade the living standard of its people.

Meanwhile, Portillo reconfirmed his country's support for the ROC's right to join the international groups, not least its bids for access to the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

They reiterated their countries' pursuit of democracy and freedom, their determination to safeguard world peace and human development, and their believe that any regional conflicts should be solved peacefully through dialogue, and their support for the international community's efforts to wipe out terrorism.

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