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President Chen Sends a Written Message to a National Anti-narcotics Conference
Taipei, Sept. 15 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian said Monday the war on illegal drugs is a daunting challenge which requires perseverance and tenacity.

Chen made the remarks in a written message read at the opening of a national anti-narcotics conference.

Noting that the war on drugs has been one of the government's main missions, Chen said the government has adopted two major strategies to fight drug abuse -- cutting off the supply and reducing the demand. "Thanks to concerted efforts of the private and public sectors, we have made enormous progress in the campaign against drug abuse and trafficking since 1993 when the government declared its determination to wipe out these illegal practices," Chen said.

Taiwan's achievements have also received international recognition, Chen said, adding that the United States has not included Taiwan on a list of countries that produce and distribute narcotics or contraband drugs for three years in a row. "I want to take advantage of the occasion to express my admiration for groups and individuals that have quietly dedicated themselves to the war on drugs over the years," Chen said.

With globalization and prevalence of the Internet, Chen went on, drug distribution has become more convenient and covert. Worse still, he said, the average age of drug abusers has been getting lower and new drugs have continued emerging. "All these developments have added to the difficulties in eliminating drug abuse and trafficking, " Chen said, adding that the nation must be prepared for an arduous and uphill battle against drugs.

Chen urged relevant government agencies to craft even more effective strategies to fight drug abuse and trafficking. In addition, he said, local families, schools and private social groups should cooperate closely with the government in the anti-drug campaign with determination and decisive action.

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