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President Chen Receives Solomon Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurie Chan

Taipei, Oct. 28 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian received visiting Solomon Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurie Chan Tuesday at the Presidential Office and extended him a warm welcome.

During the meeting, Chen expressed his appreciation for Chan's speech delivered at the United Nations General Assembly earlier this year in which he voiced the desire of the 23 million people of Taiwan to join the world organization.

Chen also thanked the Solomon Islands for the assistance and support it has extended to Taiwan in the international arena. With its assistance, he noted, Taiwan became one of the partners of the South Pacific Forum in 1992 and a member of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific in 2000.

Chen told his guest that Taiwan and the Solomon Islands have maintained diplomatic relations for 20 years and that he believes bilateral ties will be further strengthened.

In response, Chan conveyed a two-point message from Solomon Islands Prime Minister Allan Kemakesa, affirming that his country will further promote its relations with Taiwan and thanking Taiwan for its assistance.

Chan also revealed that his country and Tuvalu have jointly initiated a proposal to establish an international organization on South Pacific tourism and he invited Taiwan to join the group.

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