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President Chen Meets with Chadian Prime Minister Moussa Faki Mahamat

Taipei, Dec. 22 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian said Monday the ROC government will continue promoting cooperation with the Central African ally of Chad for mutual benefits.

Chen made the remarks while meeting with Chadian Prime Minister Moussa Faki Mahamat, who is currently on an official visit to Taiwan.

Chen said he is pleased to see Taiwan-Chadian cooperative programs proceed smoothly and successfully. The two infrastructure projects -- the Taiwan Boulevard and the Unity Bridge -- completed in Chad late last year epitomize the success in bilateral cooperation, he added.

At the moment, Chen said, Taiwan-financed projects are been carried out in 26 of Chad's 28 provinces. All of Taiwan's financial aid to Chad has been used to help improve Chadian people's livelihood, Chen said.

In addition, the president went on, Taiwan has posted medical and technical missions in Chad to offer health care services and assist in the African ally's agricultural development.

Chen congratulated Faki on Chad's becoming an oil exporting country in July this year. "Oil exports will definitely contribute to your country's overall development," Chen said.

He also expressed his gratitude for Chad's staunch support for Taiwan's cause in the international arena. Top Chadian leaders, including President Idriss Deby and Prime Minister Faki, have on many international occasions spoken for Taiwan's bid to join the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

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