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President Chen Attends the Taiwan Chapter of the Lions Clubs

Taipei, May 30 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian said Sunday that with optimism, Taiwan will eventually succeed in entering the international community and becoming an observer of the World Health Assembly (WHA) -- the governing body of the World Health Organization.

Chen made the remarks while addressing the opening ceremony of the Taiwan chapter of the Lions Clubs International.

Noting that Taiwan finally secured a seat in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002 after 11 years of strenuous efforts, Chen said it will also be able to realize its goal of obtaining WHA observership in the future.

Taiwan has sought observership in the WHA for eight years. Due to Beijing's opposition, Taiwan has been shut out of the Geneva-based world health regulatory body. "With continued efforts, we have received more and more support for our bid. Earlier this month, the United States and Japan gave 'yes' votes for our WHA bid. This marked an encouraging step forward in our pursuit. We believe we'll be able to realize our goal with perseverance," Chen said.

Chen, who was sworn in for a second four-year term May 20, said that innovation and well-planning will be his administration's top work guidelines for the coming four years.

Stressing that national interests will always be the top policy goal, Chen said his administration will prioritize four tasks in its work agenda -- stabilizing cross-Taiwan Strait relations, living up to WTO regulations, boosting economic development and highlighting Taiwan as an ocean country.

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