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President Chen Meets with the Chairperson of the International Association for Volunteer Effort(IAVE) Mrs. Liz Burns

Mrs. Burns, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I would like to thank Mrs. Burns, chairperson of the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), for your confirmation and commendation of Taiwan's effort and achievement in promoting volunteerism. I would also like to thank you for coming all the way to Taiwan to confer the first "Annual Daily Volunteers Award". The actions you have taken to show your support and encouragement to my country are much appreciated and respected.

I have always believed that only through perseverance and constant effort can we overcome the numerous challenges and obstacles in this world. The award I receive today has further strengthened my conviction that volunteerism is shared by many in the world family, and that this is never a lonely road. In the future, I hope that I can dedicate more time to volunteer work, and become an "everyday volunteer," not only a "volunteer of the day," so that I can serve more people as you do.

As you may know, in the past few days, Taiwan has experienced unprecedented torrential rainstorms brought by typhoon Mendulle, which destroyed our reconstruction efforts overnight. I have been deeply touched by the many volunteers who have devoted themselves to post-disaster relief with immediate actions. I wish to dedicate this award to all the volunteers, policemen, fire fighters and military personnel for their hard work over the past few days. The challenge of rehabilitation work may be great, but the support from volunteers can give the disaster victims the strength to get back on their own feet.

The tremendously destructive power from nature might be overwhelming at times, but the compassion of our volunteer friends always give us hope. The spirit of "volunteer Taiwan" has taken root in every corner of this country and shall continue to prosper. In the future, we will continue with our volunteer enthusiasm and work with IAVE to make even more contribution to the international society, thus making this world a better place.

I have been promoting volunteering as part of a spiritual reform program since assuming the presidency. However, we hope not only to promote volunteerism in Taiwan but also to further align ourselves with international volunteer organizations, so that we can contribute to the welfare of the world and all mankind. Taiwan joined the IAVE in 2001 as the fifth branch in the world, marking a new milestone in the globalization of its volunteer services and expanding the vision and international perspective of its volunteers.

We may make a tremendous difference if one hundred, one thousand, or even tens of thousands of people can set aside some time for volunteer services. Volunteering is a country's most precious manpower resource. It also constitutes the most important force for the entire society and the whole nation to grow and prosper. In 2000, Taiwan proposed an "IAVE.ORG Project" in an effort to develop a digital information exchange platform with Taiwan's technological expertise to help less developed countries train their talents in information technology.

Volunteering is not confined to financial or labor assistance. The time changes rapidly; so is the role of volunteers. Volunteering can also be done via the Internet at home. Volunteering in the new era is full of infinite possibilities and creativity.

The humanitarian spirit of providing timely help is the ultimate demonstration of volunteerism as well as human's genuine brotherhood in helping and cooperating with each other. I am very much touched to see those who are devoted to volunteering without complaint or regret. Consequently, on each anniversary of my presidential inauguration day, I have been volunteering services to mark this special occasion and to remind myself from time to time not to forget the significance behind volunteerism.

Despite the bad weather on May 20, 2004 and the large number of guests attending my inauguration ceremony, I chose to volunteer my services later that afternoon. From wrapping dumplings with mentally retarded children, I have learned that "Serving makes one happy." Either volunteering at a carwash or mowing the grass at a sanatorium is a new life experience for me. Volunteering is magnanimous, and volunteers can always experience the bright and magnificent side of humanity through volunteering services.

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