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President Chen's Second-Day Diplomatic Visit to Panama

Panama City, Sept. 1 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian met with many foreign politicians in Panama City Wednesday, including several heads of states of the Republic of China's diplomatic allies, for wide-ranging talks.

On the second day of his three-day official visit to Panama, President Chen attended new Panamanian President Martin Torrijos' inauguration and attended a state banquet given by Torrijos in honor of all foreign dignitaries present at his inauguration ceremony.

In the evening, Chen held separate bilateral talks with many foreign leaders at the hotel where he was staying, including Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez Reyna, Honduran President Ricardo Maduro, interim Haitian President Boniface Alexandre, Guatemalan Vice President Eduardo Stein, and former Costa Rican President Miguel Angel Rodriguez, who will soon become secretary-general of the Organization of American States (OAS).

During talks with the foreign leaders, Chen said Taiwan hopes to sign bilateral free trade agreements as early as possible to facilitate expansion of commercial exchanges and economic cooperation.

Chen told the foreign leaders that two-way trade between Taiwan and Panama has increased significantly since their free trade agreement (FTA) took effect at the beginning of this year. Quoting official tallies, Chen said Panama's exports to Taiwan registered a five-fold gain in the first half of this year from the year-earlier level.

All foreign leaders expressed keen interest in signing free trade pacts with Taiwan and further strengthening bilateral economic ties. Some of them even said they would refer to the Taiwan-Panama free trade agreement to speed up FTA talks with Taiwan.

The presidents of the Dominican Republic and Haiti said they regard Taiwan as a "dream model" and will build their countries into Taiwan-like economies in the Caribbean. Interim Haitian President Alexandre expressed his hope of enhancing agricultural cooperation with Taiwan.

Presidential Office Deputy Secretary-General Huang Chi-fang, who is a member of Chen's entourage, said all foreign leaders had also reaffirmed their support for Taiwan's bid to join the United Nations and other major international organizations. "They told Chen that their support for Taiwan is based on their admiration for Taiwan's democratic and economic achievements as well as their shared values with Taiwan in promoting freedom, democracy, human rights and economic prosperity," Huang said.

President Chen also invited foreign leaders to visit Taiwan at a time of their convenience.

According to Huang, President Chen was seated at the same table as the new Panamanian first lady and Princess Letizia Ortiz, Spanish crown prince Felipe's new wife.

Huang said Chen had invited Letizia to vacation at Taiwan's beautiful Sun Moon Lake. "Letizia said that among Asian countries, she has only been to Myanmar. She said she would like to visit Taiwan someday. Should that happen, she said her itinerary should not be exposed because she is afraid of paparazzi," Huang said.

Chen and his entourage arrived in Panama Tuesday after a hectic seven-hour transit stop in Hawaii Monday. They will travel to Belize Thursday on the second and last leg of the current diplomatic tour. On his way back to Taipei, Chen will make a nine-hour layover in Seattle where he will meet with U.S. politicians and Taiwan expatriates. He is scheduled to return to Taiwan Sept. 5.

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