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President Cheers on Paralympic Athletes
Taipei, Sept. 10 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian presented a national flag to his wife, Wu Shu-chen, in a ceremony held Friday to boost the morale of the Taiwan delegation to the Athens Paralympic Games Sept. 17-28.

The wheelchair-bound first lady will head the Taiwan delegation to the Olympics-style sporting event for athletes with mental or physical disabilities.

Chen said the flag-presentation ceremony was mainly aimed at encouraging all Taiwan Paralympics athletes not to be daunted by any challenges and do their utmost to achieve their best.

First lady Wu said although her health condition has not been good in recent months, she is determined to honor her previous promise to head the Taiwan team to the Paralympic Games. "This is the spirit of the Paralympics. All disabled athletes must be perseverant in overcoming their disabilities to score amazing athletic achievements," Wu said.

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