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President Chen Meets with United States Congressman Tom Lantos

Taipei, Jan. 17 (CNA) The success of recent cross-strait charter flight talks in Macau between Taiwan and mainland China mark the beginning of normalization of bilateral ties, President Chen Shui-bian said Monday.

Chen made the remarks in a meeting with United States Congressman Tom Lantos at the Presidential Office.

Negotiators from Taiwan and mainland China reached an agreement in Macau Saturday to launch special charter flights from Jan. 29 to Feb. 20 to carry mainland-based Taiwanese businessmen and their families home for the Lunar New Year holiday.

The president said that there is nothing the two sides of the Taiwan Strait cannot achieve if their differences are put aside and goodwill is used to reach a consensus.

There now exists a good opportunity for resuming the long-stalled cross-strait talks this year, he emphasized.

The president reminded Lantos that his new year's day address, called "creating a new and stable environment for consultations and dialogue," was aimed at encouraging not only domestic political forces but also those across the Taiwan Strait.

Chen also said that Taiwan would strive to protect human rights in line with international standards.

The Legislative Yuan should approve as soon as possible organic laws for the proposed National Human Rights Commission and a National Human Rights Memorial Hall, while making the International Human Rights Code a domestic one, he said.

During the meeting, Chen also decorated Lantos in recognition of his contributions to the promotion of Taiwan-U.S. relations.

Lantos arrived in Taipei Saturday for a four-day visit.


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