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President Chen Attends a Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration Party at the Tsoying Naval base

Kaohsiung, Feb.18 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian urged the nation's naval force Friday to play a more active strategic role in the Taiwan Strait area and strengthen cooperation with their U.S. and Japanese counterparts.

Chen made the remarks while attending a Chinese Lunar New Year celebration party at the Tsoying naval base near the southern port city of Kaohsiung.

The president took advantage of the occasion to express his gratitude for naval officers and enlisted men for their braving bad weather to defend national security on sea during the Lunar New Year holiday. "Because of Beijing's refusal to renounce the option of using force against Taiwan, our soldiers have to keep alert during the Lunar New Year holiday," Chen said. With its fast economic growth in recent years, Chen said, mainland China has largely increased its military budget. In addition to purchasing and developing advanced weapons, Chen said, the mainland navy has also adjusted its overall development strategy from coastal defense to building up a deep-sea naval force. Moreover, its submarines have been very active in the Taiwan Strait and Asia Pacific.

In the face of ever mounting mainland military threat, Chen said the navy must beef up its defense capabilities. "I hope local people can support the government's plan to procure eight diesel-electric submarines and 12 P-3C anti-submarine aircraft from the United States to beef up naval defense capabilities, " Chen said, adding that the navy should also adjust its development strategy and play a more active strategic role in the region and deepen cooperation with U.S. and Japanese naval forces.

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