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President Chen Attends the Erhlung Dragon Boat Race at Chiaohsi
Ilan, June 4 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian said Wednesday that the annual Erhlung dragon boat race at Chiaohsi, in the northeastern Taiwan county of Ilan, deserves to be preserved as it epitomizes the essence of indigenous culture.

Chen, who arrived in Chiaohsi early in the morning to attend the opening ceremony for the dragon boat race on the Erhlung River, said the event is a unique cultural activity.

To the best of his understanding, Chen said, the Erhlung dragon boat race differs from those held in other parts of the island as an integral part of Dragon Boat Festival celebrations, one of the most important festivals in the Chinese lunar calendar. "The Erhlung dragon boat race has been held every year for the past 205 years without interruption. Legend has it that the event originated from a religious ritual of the Kavalan minority group of the Pingpu aboriginal tribe. Each year, the residents of the tribal villages of Chiwulan and Choutzuwei held a dragon boat race as part of a ritual to pay tribute to the river god," Chen explained.

One of the features of the Erhlung race is that there is no umpire and therefore no winners or losers. Moreover, unlike dragon boat races held in other regions, no drums are used in the Erhlung event. Instead, gongs are used to beat out the stroke rhythm for the oarsmen, who are also required to stand rather than sit throughout the race.

Chen said the Erhlung event is a good example of sportsmanship. "It's a gentleman's race. This kind of spirit is worthy of glorification, " he said, adding that he hopes the indigenous cultural essence and activities can be promoted as part of everyday life in Taiwan.

Chen, who was the first ROC president to have attended the Erhlung dragon boat race, later traveled on to Suao, Ilan's most important fishing port, to attend a bluefin tuna trade fair.

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