President Chen Attends the Annual Convention of District 300 of Lions Club International
President Chen attends the annual convention of district 300 of Lions Club International. In his speech, President Chen said:
It is a pleasure for me to attend this annual convention of District 300 of Lions Club International and have another opportunity to meet everybody. I am impressed to see your enthusiasm to come to this meeting and I feel the vitality of Taiwan's civic organizations.
For many years, Lions Club International's Taiwan members have been imbued with the ideals and the zeal to serve society and work for the benefit of all. Lions Club members promote various welfare activities within the country and this year, they have organized eyesight examinations for children. You have achieved outstanding results worthy of praise. In promoting world peace and international exchanges, your track records are even more impressive. The Taiwan members of Lions Club International are not only capable of generating donations for the Lions Club International Foundation. Last year, your members raised NT$24 million for the victims of the tsunami disaster.
Such unparalleled charity among Lions truly deserves respect – it is a spirit of Such unparalleled charity among Lions truly deserves respect - it is a spirit of volunteerism that drives those with money to give money and those with resources to give their best efforts. The Lions have been my inspiration. Since my election to the Presidency in 2000, I have always promoted the "Spirit of Taiwan Volunteerism" and would do volunteer work every 20th of May. This is the fifth year and last year, despite a very busy schedule, I found time to do volunteer work. I wanted to be like the Lions and I hope that our countrymen could likewise experience the joy of "Serving Others Without Seeking Recompense." Two days ago, we celebrated Taiwan Volunteers Day and I decided to volunteer at the Tzuchi Buddhist Foundation's Recycling Station. I saw a seventy or eighty-year old grandmother classifying garbage. Such a work of recycling transforms garbage into gold, and gold into love! They take away any sicknesses or body aches old people may suffer and get rid of depression. You feel joy and fulfillment in life. A-Bian feels great admiration and hopes to engage in such a joyful task after retirement in three years.
Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends in Lions Club International for the long-standing support of government democratic reform and for promoting the contributions of Taiwan toward international exchanges and world peace. On the 26th of March this year, the mass demonstration called "Protect Taiwan Democracy" had the enthusiastic participation of Lions Club members from many places as well as a million of people clamoring for the people of Taiwan. In loud voices, they shouted "Protect Democracy! We Want Peace! Protect Taiwan!" They expressed their opposition to the passage of the Anti-separation Law by China's National People's Congress. We would like to express our whole-hearted gratitude to those who came from America, Japan, Europe and other countries for standing up for Taiwan, believing in democratic and peaceful Taiwan against undemocratic and belligerent China. Historically, Taiwan stands on the right side that is ultimately the winning side.
The people of Taiwan have chosen the right path - the path of democracy, freedom, peace and human rights. We will certainly persist on this path, not letting our resolve to waver before any external challenge. The outcome of the May 14 election for the ad hoc National Assembly is another reason for joy. The people of Taiwan have again made a most wise decision by assenting to constitutional reform. With an over eighty percent approval rate, they have approved the first-stage of constitutional reform that includes the five major issues of national assembly reform: Abolition of the National Assembly, Constitutional Reform by Referendum, Decreasing Legislative Seats by Half, Extension of Legislative Term from Three to Four Years and Decrease the Holding of Elections to Once in Two years. The Two Votes per Electoral District will also be decided upon and will become a constitutional clause. This process of constitutional reform by the National Assembly also manifests belief in Taiwan and persistence on the path of reform.
Besides addressing the need to improve our national competitiveness and overall governance, the constitutional reform is also closely linked to the protection of human rights. The second stage of this constitutional reform will deal substantially with the protection of human rights and will define the limits between the government’s structure and its power. The Three Rights of Labor will be made constitutional; the aborigines will be treated as partners in government; and after the abolition of the National Assembly, the provincial government will likewise be abolished. At the same time, a decision will be made on having five or three branches of a constitutional government. A-Bian would then seek the active participation and encouragement of all opposition parties and all sectors of society as well as the members of Lions Club International to reach a common consensus.
These past days, everybody is concerned about Taiwan's bid to participate in the World Health Organization. A-Bian believes that members of the Lions Club International are not unfamiliar with the pressure Mainland China puts on the international community since the name of Lions Club Taiwan serves to illustrate this point. We are sad that this year, Taiwan has again been denied Observer status in the World Health Assembly. However, in the WHO's amendment of the International Health Regulations (IHR), the WHO is set to adopt the principle of universal application. Respect for human rights and the principle of "Health and Hygiene without Borders," would allow Taiwan to form part of the WHO. We should not get discouraged. We should persist in our efforts. It took us twelve years to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) and we have been working for the WHO for nine years. We just need to be resolute and never give up. We also request our friends in the Lions Club International to close ranks with the government.
Finally, I would like to again declare to our friends in the Lions Club International that under my administration, this government will resolutely defend Taiwan's national sovereignty and not allow this island to be annexed by anyone. The government will never change its resolve for democratic reform and will maintain its alertness along the path of peaceful dialogue. We will not yield a single inch in the thorough pursuit of this path. I thank everyone for your support and encouragement and I wish a successful outcome of this year's convention. I wish our Lions Club friends and their families good health, happiness and success in their endeavors!