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President Chen Inspects Anti-Special Forces Attack and Anti-Airborne Attack Drills in Taichung

President Chen inspects anti-special forces attack and anti-airborne attack drills in Taichung.

President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Annette Lu inspected military drills conducted by the country's armed forces simulating anti-special forces attack and anti-airborne attack in Taichung this morning. Besides listening to a report on the drills, the president encouraged the soldiers who took part in the drills and took a picture with all of them after giving them a meal bonus.

The president emphasized that if the international community could not counter the rise of the "China threat theory," or discern the underlying troubles hidden behind the illusion of "the rise of China in peace theory," the consequence would have to be borne by the international community collectively.

The president also earnestly urged the opposition leaders to seriously consider the grave consequences brought along by a cross-strait military imbalance and asked them, with a view on protecting the nation's and the people's security, help push the legislature to convene an ad hoc meeting to deliberate honestly and pragmatically a special military procurement budget to be witnessed by all the people at the parliament.

The following is the president's speech:

I am delighted today to be here at the Ching Chuan Kang Air Force Base in Taichung, in company with Vice President Lu as well as Premier Hsieh to preside over the "anti-special forces attack" and "anti-airborne attack" drills, as part of the "Hang Kuang 21" military exercise.

In the hour-long live-fire drill, we had the opportunity to witness the high capability of our armed forces, which demonstrated the improvements of its joint combat capability made during the past years and the efforts directed at upgrading security of important naval and air bases.

It has been my sacred mission as president of the Republic of China to strengthen the self-defense capability of Taiwan to ensure the safety of lives, freedom and properties of the people and the safeguarding of the hard-earned democracy and economic prosperity.

As commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the leader of the country, if I have any difference from other politicians or opinion leaders, it is because I have to stand on a higher vantage point from where I could take care of this country's security and protection with a broader, deeper and farther sight.

On the 19th of this month, the United States Department of Defense released a report on the People's Liberation Army's strength, which clearly indicates that the Chinese defense budget keeps on increasing by two digits each single year. Besides, the deployment of 650 to 730 ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan definitely shows that the military power tilts toward the side of Beijing.

Concerning the capability and the development trend of the People's Liberation Army, the U.S. Defense Department report is comparable to our evaluations, but on PLA strategic intents, combat capability, unit training and interpretation of its possible military moves against Taiwan, our assessments are more elaborate.

One thing that calls for attention, in addition to China's military threat against Taiwan, the U.S. report also indicates its grave concern and worry that China's constant improvement of its ballistic missiles and nuclear counter strike capability has not only threatened Asia-Pacific countries, but even the security of the United States, Russia, Australia and New Zealand.

During a video news conference with the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan yesterday, I earnestly urged the international society to pay attention to the development that while China is on its way to becoming a regional super power, it is approaching toward a fatal crossroad.

Particularly, when it is under no outside threat, the Chinese government still expands its military power, increases its missile deployment and strengthens its missile launching capability. Even more, in mid March, Beijing passed the so-called "Anti-separation law," defining its so-called "non-peaceful means" to tackle the cross-strait dispute. All these actions have led the peace-loving countries in the world to question the rationality of the Beijing government in expanding is military power.

This also proves that Taiwan will not be the only victim of China's military expansion. The efforts that the 23 million Taiwanese have made in pursuing and deepening democracy and stabilizing the cross-strait interaction structure must not become China's excuse in expanding its military might to influence the world's new order.

If the international community could not counter the rise of the "China threat theory," or discern the underlying troubles from the illusion of the so-called "China's rise in peace theory," then the consequences must be borne by members of the international community collectively.

I believe that intransparency in decision-making, autocracy in politics and instability in society are the root factors that led Beijing to pursue militarism.

The real effective approach to guide the "China's Rise" to the right road is to strengthen their "Rise of Peace" and "Commencement of Democracy." Only through this way could China become a positive force in the world's democratic society through its path of rise and development.

Therefore, I am proposing to build a "support Taiwan democracy" and "cross-strait peace" new power balance over the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The purpose is to ensure that Taiwan's democracy will not be destroyed by China's "non-peaceful means" and at the same time that through the efforts of the world's "democratic groups," China could commence its democratic process. Only through this way, both sides of the Taiwan Strait could start peaceful dialogue and interaction, and the cross-strait permanent peace and stability will not be just the expectation of Taiwan alone.

In the face of international community's concerns and their reactions to China's military expansion, I hope that reasonable debates based on professionalism about the ongoing military purchase on the three kinds of weapons could be conducted between the ruling and opposition parties. I also sincerely hope that the opposition leaders would realize the imminent danger that a military imbalance could bring to Taiwan, and would agree to help push for the convening of an ad hoc meeting of the legislature to deliberate the special arms procurement budget with a view of meeting the nation's defense needs and protecting the security of the people, to be witnessed by all the people at the legislature.

I recently inspected the reserve command's drills on coastal defense warfare and urban defense warfare. Today, I witnessed our armed forces' "anti-special forces attack" and "anti-airborne attack" capabilities. All-out defense is a trend of modern warfare. On the second day of the London blast, the whole world saw that the British acted as everything was normal. Such behavior wasn't "requested" by their government. It is because the British strongly believe in self-defense, therefore, the bomb explosion did not produce the effect that its author wanted. This has become a good lesson for the countries attacked by terrorists, showing that the best weapon against the enemy is the will to counter it.

On February 2 this year, we completed the legislation of the National Defense Education Act, which will cover academic education, government agency on-the-job education, social education and defense data protection, all to be included in the teaching process. It is hoped that through the introduction of the national defense education, people in the country would have a better understanding and a clear concept on defending the country. I would especially like to remind the people that showing concern for national defense starts from self participation, with everyone showing his or her determination and will, followed by unity in mind, and giving support to the armed forces and the government, through which to achieve the goal of preventing the war and getting away from the war.

I would also like to take the opportunity to express my highest affirmation to the soldiers who took part in the rescue and reconstruction works during and after the Typhoon Haitang attack. The drills today are absolutely a successful one in this season when the sun burns high in the sky. Every single participant of the drills gives 100 percent of himself regardless of the difficulties. There were even soldiers wounded during the rehearsal, but they still accomplished their tasks, which is worthy of the highest respect from all the people. I would like to express my highest respect and encouragement!

Finally, congratulations to the success of the drills. May the Republic of China prevail. I wish you health and luck.

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