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President Chen Joins Anti-vote-buying Campaign

President Chen Joins Anti-vote-buying Campaign.
President Chen Shui-bian this afternoon headed toward the Tali Sports Park in Taichung County to participate in the launch of an anti-bribery campaign, designed for the year-end elections by the Ministry of Justice. The President also made a brief address for the occasion.

Excerpts from the President's speech:

I feel honored and am very pleased today to join in the anti-bribery campaign initiated by the Ministry of Justice. First of all, I offer my highest regard and gratitude to all partners in Taiwan's prosecution, police, and investigation authorities who have committed themselves to the work of keeping the vote buying at bay. They have worked tireless by these days to guarantee that the elections at the end of this year be held with fairness and justice. I also want to express my greatest admiration to those civic organizations that have supported the government's crusade in advocating clean elections.

We are convinced that only through clean elections can we have a democratic Taiwan. We suggest that all candidates, along with their staff, not to be tempted into breaking the law, because whoever does the vote buying will not get away with it. However, the anti-bribery campaign is not complete only by efforts of the government alone. I, therefore, urge all voters to join in the campaign and not to accept any bribery from any candidate. You are also encouraged to report any wrongdoing regarding the elections to investigation authorities.

I hope that the year-end elections could finish in harmony and stability, without the interference of vote buying and violence. I am also here to make it clear that our effort in combating the crime of vote buying is supra- party. And we set no limit on the investigation of the crime. So we urge once again that all candidates and all their workers to refrain themselves from playing with fire. Finally, I wish health and happiness to everyone here. Thank you very much.

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