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President Chen Congratulates Paraguayan President-elect Nicanor Duarte Frutos by Telephone

Taipei, May 6 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian telephoned Paraguayan President-elect Nicanor Duarte Frutos Tuesday, congratulating him on his election victory.

Chen said he admires Duarte for winning the Paraguayan presidency by a landslide. He recalled Duarte and his wife's visit to Taiwan last June. "I have vivid memories of your visit to Taipei in your capacity as chairman of the Paraguayan ruling party. I hope you will make a state visit to my country after assuming the presidency," Chen said.

Noting that relations between the Republic of China and Paraguay have been close and cordial, Chen said he is convinced that bilateral cooperation will further expand under Duarte's leadership.

Chen assured Duarte that the ROC government will continue its support and assistance to Paraguay in the future.

He also expressed thanks for being invited to attend Duarte's inauguration. But due to his busy work schedule, Chen said he cannot attend the ceremony. "Instead, I'll appoint a senior official to represent me," he told Duarte.

For his part, Duarte reaffirmed his commitment to further promoting ROC-Paraguayan exchanges and cooperation after assuming office. He said the Paraguayan government and people are grateful for the ROC's long-term assistance to their country.

Touching on the current outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Duarte said he believes that Taiwan will be able to overcome all difficulties and successfully contain the potentially fatal contagious disease. He also promised to visit Taiwan again at an appropriate time.

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