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Marshall Islands President Tours Taiwan

Marshall Islands President Tours Taiwan.
President Chen Shui-bian accompanied Marshall Islands President Kessai H. Note and Mrs. Note to southern Taiwan on April 12. The president and his guests visited a center for fishery culture and an arts district in Pingtung, Taiwan's most southern county.

After a meticulous field observation at the Long-tien Fishery Culture Center, the guests were deeply impressed by Taiwan's grouper culturing industry.

The president and the guests then visited an arts district called "F3," a unique sphere of a combination of railway culture and artistic performances. During their stay in the arts district, an artist presented to the guests a set of Taiwan indigenous people's clothing and a piece of leather carving depicting Taiwan's wild lily, and another installation artist invited the two presidents to finish a mosaic artwork signifying a butterfly composed of two island contours of Taiwan.  

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