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President Chen Meets with Mongolian Prosecutors

President Chen Meets with Mongolian Prosecutors.
On April 19, President Chen Shui-bian received Mongolian prosecutors who came to Taiwan to attend the 4th Seminar on Justice and said that he wished to promote more ministerial visits between Taiwan and Mongolia.

Mongolian prosecutors and judicial officials were invited to the seminar to exchange legal expertise with their Taiwanese counterparts so as to benefit both countries' legal systems.

A lawyer himself, the president noted that most of the prosecutors were young and that half of them were female.  He wished his Mongolian guests a bright and successful future.

Last year, Taiwan and Mongolia jointly cooperated in a project called "Firmament," under which several Mongolian high-ranking officials were invited to Taiwan to observe and exchange experiences with their local counterparts.  Based on this project, the president told his guests that he would like to encourage more ministerial visits between the two countries in order to further strengthen the friendship between Taiwan and Mongolia.

The president recalled having witnessed historical moments between Taiwan and Mongolia, including when Taipei became Ulaanbaatar's sister city in 1997 under his term as mayor and in 2002 when Taiwan and Mongolia established representative offices.

President Chen also told his guests that for the past three years Taiwan and Mongolia have been continuously cooperating in areas of public health and education.  In addition, the president announced to his guests that Taiwan would hold activities with Mongolia commemorating this year's 800th anniversary of the Mongol Empire.

The Mongolian prosecutors were accompanied by Chairman of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission Hsu Chih-hsiung to the Office of the President.


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