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Vice President Lu to Address DPU's International Conference on Bird Flu Prevention

Vice President Annette Lu, chairwoman of the Democratic Pacific Union (DPU), will give a keynote speech via teleconference tomorrow morning to the opening of DPU's international conference on bird flu prevention, to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The conference, entitled "International Symposium on the Challenges and Implication of Avian Influenza on Human Security: Sharing Problems, Sharing Solutions," will attract over 400 participants, including experts and professionals from the United States, Thailand, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Indonesian Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari and the World Health Organization (WHO) representative to Indonesia will also attend the event.

Since the threat of SARS, Taiwan has acquired abundant experiences in disease prevention, and would like to share them with the rest of the world and contribute more to human health.

The symposium is the fourth international conference held since the establishment of the DPU, following the union's West Pacific regional conference in Guatemala on March 18, 2005, its Asia Pacific regional conference in Tokyo on June 10, 2005, and the recent DPU West Pacific regional conference in Seoul on June 3 this year.

The vice president wishes the DPU to defend world democracy and promote peace and prosperity, as well as improve people's living conditions in the areas of healthcare, cultural preservation, and environmental protection.    

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