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President Chen Meets with Danish Parliamentarian

President Chen Meets with Danish Parliamentarian.
In the meeting, President Chen asked Chairman Madsen to pass on his appreciation to all members of the Danish Parliamentarians' Taiwan Association. The association's establishment was facilitated by Chairman Madsen in his capacity as the chairman of Danish Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee in 2004.  

President Chen also spoke to his guest of Taiwan-Denmark relations. He said the two-way trade between Taiwan and Denmark reached US$ 870 million in 2004, a 30% increase over the previous year. Though the trade decreased to US$ 770 million in 2005, President Chen looks forward to developing closer economic ties with Denmark.  

In addition, President Chen extended his congratulations to Denmark on taking seat in the UN Security Council in October 2004 and being elected as chairman of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee in 2005.

Also present at the meeting were Deputy Foreign Minister Yang Tzu-pao and Deputy Secretary-General to the President Liu Shyh-fang.

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