President Chen Meets with National Commander of the American Legion

On November 24th, President Chen Shui-bian met with National Commander Paul A. Morin of the American Legion and other members of his visiting group, expressing wholehearted welcome to them and recognition for their contributions to looking after veterans.
President Chen said that he has met with the National Commander of the American Legion every year since he assumed office in 2000. Like each U.S. president who would invite veterans to the White House, President Chen said, his intention is to show his highest respect to the veterans who have dedicated their efforts and the prime of their life to the country.
President Chen pointed out that Taiwan's Veterans Affairs Commission, established more than half a century ago, has made every effort in its power to look after veterans as well as the widows and children left behind by providing medical care, senior home service, and assistance for education and employment. President Chen said he respects the American Legion for the longstanding care and services rendered to the U.S. veterans and their families. He also thanked his guests for supporting Taiwan to participate in international organizations and facilitating the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.
With regard to Taiwan's governmental reform, President Chen expressed his hope of upgrading the Veterans Affairs Commission to a ministerial level, after the fashion of the U.S., in order to offer greater services to the veterans and their families.