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President Chen Meets with Delegation of Press Executives from Latin American Allies

President Chen Meets with Delegation of Press Executives from Latin American Allies.
On December 20, President Chen Shui-bian met with a visiting delegation of high-ranking press executives from diplomatic allies in Latin America. In addition to praising the deep friendship and close ties between Taiwan and its Latin American allies, he expressed the government's determination to protect freedom of speech and press freedom.

President Chen said Taiwan and the Dominican Republic maintain frequent contact. He pointed out that Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez Reyna led a delegation to Taiwan in June this year, and that both are engaged in a high-tech park cooperative project in that country. President Chen also recalled the outstanding organization of the Third Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the Republic of China, Central America and the Dominican Republic held in El Salvador, particularly citing El Salvador President Elías Antonio Saca and that country's government for their efforts.

President Chen thanked Paraguay President Nicanor Duarte Frutos and the people of that nation for their hospitality when he led a delegation to Paraguay in May. President Chen added that last year, he and Guatemala President Oscar Berger Perdomo inked a free trade agreement between their two nations, which was Taiwan's second. The agreement will benefit trade and business between the two countries, he said.

President Chen also expressed his appreciation to José Manuel Zelaya, President of Honduras, for heading a delegation to Taiwan in October to take part in the ROC's Double Ten National Day festivities, adding that he hopes a hydro-electric generation project being carried out by the two countries will progress smoothly. He also thanked the President of Nicaragua, Enrique Bolaños Geyer, for hosting the Fifth Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the Republic of China, Central America and the Dominican Republic, and congratulated Daniel Ortega for his electoral victory in November to become the new president of Nicaragua.   

President Chen furthermore said he has continually worked to defend freedom of the press and speech. He noted that Freedom House of the United States has given Taiwan a perfect score in this regard, while France's Reporters Without Borders ranked Taiwan first in Asia in terms of journalistic freedom, with Taiwan's ranking surpassing that of the US and Japan for the first time. He said this shows Taiwan's respect for and protection of press freedom and freedom of expression.

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