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President Chen Receives Delegation of Visiting Mongolian Lawmakers

President Chen Receives Delegation of Visiting Mongolian Lawmakers.
President Chen Shui-bian on December 28 received a delegation of Mongolian lawmakers headed by Batjargal Batbayar. During the visit, President Chen expressed both his welcome and gratitude to the delegation on behalf of the ROC government and the people of Taiwan.

President Chen noted that Mr. Batbayar brought with him nearly 100 Mongolian style paintings from his family collection to Taiwan. The collection of art will be exhibited at the National Museum of History. He said that this is another step in further cultural interchanges between Taiwan and Mongolia.

The president said that since the Democratic Progressive Party became the ruling party on Taiwan in 2000, Taiwan has respected and recognized Mongolia as an independent and sovereign nation. He urged that the two countries should continue to work together to promote increased contacts and interaction. He added that Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission Minister Hsu Chih-hsiung has been quite successful in his efforts to foster interaction between the two countries. President Chen noted that Taiwan has helped to train members of Mongolia's courts and judiciary, which has been a tremendous success.

President Chen said Taiwan set up a representative office in Ulan Bator in 2002 and Mongolia created a similar office in Taipei in 2003, helping to turn a new page in relations between the two countries. The president also praised Mongolia's "third neighbor policy," saying Taiwan will be Mongolia's best neighbor, partner and ally.

President Chen said both Taiwan and Mongolia are emerging democratic nations that have discarded authoritarianism and are evolving into modern democratic nations. He said Taiwan cherishes its hard-earned achievements in democracy, adding that while Mongolia is also an emerging democracy, its democratic development has been every bit as impressive as that of Taiwan's. President Chen cited that Mongolia instituted direct presidential elections and a changing of ruling parties earlier than Taiwan, saying he was impressed by the achievements.


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