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President Chen Bestows Highest Honor on Paraguay's Chamber of Deputies President

President Chen Bestows Highest Honor on Paraguay's Chamber of Deputies President.
On January 8, President Chen Shui-bian, on behalf of the ROC (Taiwan) government and Taiwan's 23 million people, bestowed the Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon on His Excellency Victor Alcides Bogado Gonzalez, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Paraguay. The honor was granted to mark Chamber President Bogado's efforts in and contributions to bolstering friendship between the governments and the peoples of the two countries.

Chamber President Bogado said the two countries have long maintained a friendly diplomatic relationship based on a foundation of mutual trust and democracy. He said the geographic distance between the two nations is in no way an impediment to warm ties between the two. He said that thanks to the assistance of the ROC (Taiwan), Paraguay has seen progress and growth in its agricultural, service and industrial sectors. He especially noted that Taiwan has helped modernize information hardware for Paraguay, boosting the legislative efficiency of Paraguay's Chamber of Deputies. He added that the construction of a new building to house the Parliament has helped to solidify and strengthen the development of democracy in Paraguay.

Chamber President Bogado said he is deeply honored to have been able to visit Taiwan twice, and he reiterated Paraguay's support for observer status for the ROC in the World Health Organization. Based on a foundation of mutual trust, the two countries in the future will foster even closer diplomatic and cooperative ties, he said.

In a discussion between the two shortly thereafter, President Chen said he was delighted to be able to represent the ROC (Taiwan) government and people in bestowing the nation's top honor to Chamber President Bogado. President Chen thanked him for his contributions to promoting substantive and friendly relations between Taiwan and the Central American Parliament and Paraguay.

President Chen also expressed his warmest welcome to Chamber President Bogado on his second visit to Taiwan. Chamber President Bogado first headed a delegation to the island in March 2006. Since then, he has won another term as chamber president. President Chen praised the youthful vitality and political acumen of Chamber President Bogado.

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the ROC (Taiwan) and the Republic of Paraguay. President Chen expressed his continued support for strong diplomatic and economic relations between the two nations, and also stated his appreciation of the Paraguayan government's support for Taiwan in its effort to achieve observer status in the WHO. 

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