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The Office of the President Holds Open Day on December 4

The sixth presidential building open day in 2005 was held today. The event drew many to line up for a visit early in the morning despite the changing weather.

Entitled "Innovative Technology, Vibrant Economy," the exhibition fair was sponsored by the Economics Ministry and took place at the Presidential Square. Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidential Office James Huang welcomed visitors participating in the event and visited all pavilions that demonstrated Taiwan's industrial development in all areas.

The presidential building open day was closed this afternoon, drawing some 2,491 people to visit the Office of the President.

Today marks the 50th presidential building open day since it was launched on January 2, 1996. The Office of the President has attracted a total of 736,976 tourists to visit the building. The next presidential building open day is scheduled on February 5, 2006.

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