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President Chen Receives Yasuo Tanaka, Governor of Nagano Prefecture

Taipei, March 28 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian Friday received Yasuo Tanaka, governor of Nagano prefecture, and welcomed him to promote tourist exchanges between Japan and Taiwan.

Tanaka was in Taipei to attend the opening of an exhibition of products from Nagano prefecture.

During the reception, Chen lauded Tanaka as an energetic and devoted politician.

Talking about the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which he described as a threat that knows no boundaries, Chen called for global cooperation to fight the new type of infectious disease.

The president noted that because mainland China was not properly dealing with the SARS outbreak, many countries, including Taiwan, have been affected.

Chen expressed regret that the World Health Organization still refuses to accept Taiwan's membership.

Nevertheless, he said that Taiwan is willing to cooperate with all countries, including Japan, regarding SARS treatment and prevention.

Tanaka said that he will transmit the president's goodwill to the 22 million citizens in his prefecture.

The visitor was accompanied during the reception by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Tu Chu-sheng and Association of East Asian Relations Chairman Hsu Shui-teh. Presidential Secretary-General Chiou I-jen was also present.

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