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President Chen's Second Day Itinerary in Honduras

President Chen's Second Day Itinerary in Honduras.

In the afternoon, Honduras President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales greeted President Chen at the door to the ICVC's gymnasium. Upon arriving at the ICVC, President Chen received an enthusiastic welcome from student representatives. Both President Chen and Honduras President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales delivered remarks to the gathering. The two leaders then witnessed the inking of a loan agreement by ROC (Taiwan) Foreign Minister James Huang, who signed the pact in his role as the chairman of the TaiwanICDF, and the Honduras finance minister.

After the completion of that ceremony, President Chen and President Zelaya made their way to the school's library for the unveiling of a plaque marking the commencement of a nationwide computer project as well as the inauguration of the "President Chen Shui-bian Computer Classroom."

President Chen said information translates to national power. The Taiwan-Honduras Computer Project, which has been promoted by President Zelaya, will be responsible for establishing over 3,000 computer education centers in elementary and junior high schools throughout Honduras over the next three years. Over one million students are expected to benefit from the program, which will make an important and far-ranging contribution to the development of outstanding information technicians in Honduras in the future. President Chen once again congratulated President Zelaya on the project, adding that Taiwan is extremely proud to be able to play a role in this project.

The president accepted interviews by members of the international press after returning to his hotel. He then received 14 Taiwan businessmen who made special trips from their homes in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Belize to Honduras to welcome President Chen.

The president expressed his thanks to members of the overseas compatriot community in Honduras when meeting with them. After being briefed on their situation, the president instructed Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission Minister Chang Fu-mei to immediately provide assistance for the re-construction of an overseas compatriots meeting hall in Honduras. He also asked Ambassador Lai to further look into the suggestions made by the overseas compatriot representatives and to map out a concrete plan to meet their future needs.

In the evening, the president attended a banquet at his hotel. He lauded the hard work and contributions made by Taiwan businessmen, overseas compatriots, embassy staff, and technical mission members in Honduras. He also thanked members of his entourage, the China Airlines flight crew and the traveling press corps for the efforts they have made on this trip.   

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