President Chen Meets US Republican National Committee Delegation
President Chen said Taiwan faces an increasing military threat from China. China had deployed just 200 missiles aimed at Taiwan along the southeastern coast of China in 2000. Over the past seven years, however, this number has risen to 988. In addition, the number continues to rise at a rate of 120 to 150 missiles per year. The president said that Taiwan must strengthen its national defense capabilities, and in particular its ability to defend itself, in light of the military and missile threats from China. The president stressed that in the face of these threats, the most powerful means for Taiwan to defend itself is not only through the procurement of arms, but rather through the implementation of democracy. He said that democracy is the most powerful and the best theater missile defense system, and it is the best weapon for Taiwan to protect itself.
President Chen stressed that democracy, freedom and human rights are basic human rights and core universal values. He said the 23 million people of Taiwan should be able to enjoy these values without limitations or restrictions. It is for this reason that Taiwan seeks to join the United Nations under the name "Taiwan." The president added that the people of Taiwan next March may have an opportunity to express themselves in a democratic manner through a public referendum, enabling their desires and voices to be heard. All of this is considered as freedom of speech and the right for people to express their opinions. The desire of the people of Taiwan to do so should be respected by the international community, the president said.
President Chen expressed his appreciation to US President George W. Bush, the American government and the people of the United States for their long support for and assistance to Taiwan. President Bush frequently refers to the successful democratization of Taiwan, having said that it serves as an outstanding model for the democratization of China. President Chen added that the 23 million people of Taiwan are proud of their democracy here. The president said he is confident that the participation in the national day festivities here by the visitors will enable them to share with the people of Taiwan in the achievements and progress made here.