President Chen Meets Former Sao Tome and Principe President Miguel Trovoada

President Chen Shui-bian on November 16 at the Presidential Office met with the Former President of the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Miguel Trovoada and his second son Yuri Trovoada. On behalf of the government and people of the ROC (Taiwan), President Chen extended a welcome and gratitude to the visitors for making the lengthy trip to Taiwan.
President Chen first expressed his admiration for Former President Trovoada. He said that when Former President Trovoada was young, he was active in Sao Tome and Principe's independence movement in the late 1960s. During his years of hard work and sacrifices, he was imprisoned for about two years on trumped up charges. President Chen said that Former President Trovoada should be accredited with the biggest contribution to his country's independence and democratic progress.
The president also said that Former President Trovoada is deeply respected and adored by the public in his nation. As a result, he had the opportunity to become the nation's first prime minister after independence and then later served two terms as president. During his tenure as president, he held firm despite facing the pressure of a number of countries, especially that of China, and exhibited his determination in establishing formal diplomatic relations with the ROC (Taiwan), which are now approaching their 10th anniversary. Former President Trovoada played a critical role in paving the way for relations between the two countries to be able to approach their landmark, President Chen said. While in office, the former president believed that establishing normalized relations with Taiwan was in his nation's interests in promoting progress and prosperity. Learning the Taiwan experience was the correct decision, President Chen said, who expressed his admiration for the former president for his foresight.
President Chen lastly said that the former president last time visited Taiwan was in 1998 when he was still serving as president. President Chen said this symbolizes a climax in cooperative ties between the two nations as they approach their decade-long diplomatic relationship. The president added that he hopes Former President Trovoada is able to witness the joy and pride of Taiwan in various development projects. He hopes the former president will see the Taipei 101 building, which is the world's tallest, and will experience the high-speed rail, a massive infrastructure project and a rail line of its kind that only six countries can boast having.
Former President Trovoada expressed his gratitude to President Chen for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with him and for his support in carrying out development projects in Sao Tome and Principe. He added that the friendship between the two nations will certainly continue and develop. In addition to further strengthening democracy in his country, the former president said that one of the focal points in his work since leaving office has been to forward ties between the two countries. He noted that he is pleased that the two nations enjoy a broad cooperative relationship. The former president said he believes the people of Taiwan both have the right and obligation to participate in international organizations and share development experiences with other countries. Sao Tome and Principe will continue to speak out on behalf of Taiwan in the international arena, he said.