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Vice President Siew Meets Japan's Yamanashi Prefecture Governor Shomei Yokouchi

Vice President Vincent C. Siew on the morning of June 19 at the Presidential Building met with Governor Shomei Yokouchi of Japan's Yamanashi Prefecture. The vice president, on behalf of the government and people of the ROC (Taiwan), expressed a warm welcome and deep appreciation to Governor Yokouchi for visiting Taiwan.

Vice President Siew said that the delegation that Governor Yokouchi is leading to Taiwan will have an enormous impact on increasing substantive relations between the people of the two countries. The vice president especially noted that in the delegation are quite a few Taiwan expatriates who live in Yamanashi and who are doing their utmost to foster cooperative interaction between Japan and Taiwan. He said that the overseas compatriots who live in Yamanashi enjoy a pleasant lifestyle thanks in part to the care provided by Governor Yokouchi. The vice president said this demonstrates the extremely friendly relationship between the two countries, just like that between brothers.

The vice president said Taiwan and Japan have a long historical relationship. What is needed right now, however, is for the younger generation to engage in a wide range of interaction. The vice president said that local governments from both nations should also have more contact, not only in the area of economics, but also in culture, tourism and academics. By continuing to strengthen these ties, cooperative interaction between the two nations will become even closer, he said.

Governor Yokouchi thanked Vice President Siew for taking time out his busy schedule to meet with him. He also said that the main reason for leading this delegation to Taiwan is to take part in the Food Taipei Show. He said it has been four years since his last visit to Taiwan. Governor Yokouchi said he can see with his own eyes the rapid development made by Taiwan in a variety of areas. He said he is also aware that Taiwan is a world-renowned technology island and enjoys a high degree of economic prosperity. Governor Yokouchi said he looks forward to seeing expanded trade of agricultural products between Taiwan and Yamanashi, as well as greater levels of tourism between the two countries. He said he is willing to do what he can to assist and promote the development of these relations.   

Governor Yokouchi was accompanied in the morning by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrew Li-Yan Hsia to the Presidential Building to meet with Vice President Siew.

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