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Vice President Siew Meets Japan House of Representatives Member Kazuo Aichi

Vice President Vincent C. Siew on the morning of July 8 at the Presidential Building met with Japanese House of Representatives Member Mr. Kazuo Aichi. The vice president extended a warm welcome to Mr. Aichi and the delegation he has led to Taiwan, as well as expressed appreciation to them.

Vice President Siew said that House Member Aichi has maintained a special fondness for Taiwan for many decades. The vice president said that he cherishes the friendship that exists between House Member Aichi and Taiwan, and that he is deeply honored to have the opportunity to meet with his old friend at the Presidential Building. Vice President Siew added that during the period when he did not have government posts, he made a number of visits to Japan, which were made possible thanks to the assistance provided by House Member Aichi. The vice president said he would like to take the chance provided to him at this meeting to thank Mr. Aichi for all he has done.

Vice President Siew furthermore said that in the past he served as the chairman of the Association of East Asian Relations' Technology Exchange Committee. During the period when he headed the committee, he led members of Taiwan's industrial community to Japan three or four times a year to interact with their Japanese counterparts. He said that this contact was of enormous help to Taiwan's industrial sector, and he added that he hopes that work in this regard will continue to be strengthened in the future. As a result, the vice president said he has specially invited Dr. Tsay Ching-yen to take on the job of chairman of the Technology Exchange Committee and carry out this work. Vice President Siew said he hopes House Member Aichi will continue to provide assistance in this respect. The vice president also said that the international community in recent years has increasingly focused on the issues of energy conservation and reducing carbon emissions. He said that Japanese industry has made considerable strides and has quite a bit of experience in these efforts, adding that he hopes Taiwan and Japan in the future will have even more cooperative interaction in these initiatives.

House of Representatives Member Aichi thanked Vice President Siew for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with him. He said that he had to be present in the Japanese Parliament during the May 20 presidential and vice presidential inauguration ceremonies here, and therefore he was unable to join in the Japanese delegation that came to Taiwan to congratulate the vice president. He said he hopes Vice President Siew will pardon him for being unable to be present at that time. Mr. Aichi added that he has met with the vice president many times in Tokyo and the two have fostered a deep friendship. He also expressed his congratulations to the vice president for being elected to his position earlier this year, and wished Vice President Siew the best in helping the president to govern the nation. He said he will continue to provide his full support in the future with the aim of furthering relations between Taiwan and Japan.

House of Representatives Member Aichi was accompanied to the Presidential Building to meet with Vice President Siew in the morning by Association of East Asian Relations Chairman Chen Hung-chi and Association of East Asian Relations' Technology Exchange Committee Chairman Dr. Tsay Ching-yen.

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