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President Ma Meet The American Legion National Commander David K. Rehbein

President Ma Ying-jeou on the morning of November 28 at the Presidential Office met with National Commander of The American Legion Mr. David K. Rehbein and Mrs. Rehbein. The president extended a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of the government and people of the ROC (Taiwan).

President Ma said that The American Legion has millions of members, who are all veterans from World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In addition, The American Legion is extremely influential in American society, and maintains close ties with the ROC (Taiwan), he said. The president commented that a resolution previously passed by The American Legion made note of the strong relations between the two countries in World War II in fighting Japanese militarism and in the Cold War fighting against communism. President Ma also expressed his appreciation to The American Legion for speaking on behalf of the ROC (Taiwan) on a number of issues.

The president said this visit to Taiwan by National Commander Rehbein will further strengthen the relationship with the ROC (Taiwan) and will also enhance his organization's understanding of the ROC (Taiwan), especially the development of democracy in Taiwan highlighted by another change in the ruling party here earlier this year. In addition, the president said that in the wake of an improvement in relations between Taiwan and Mainland China, the Taiwan Strait is now being exposed to an unprecedented level of peace. President Ma said he hopes the visitors will gain a broad understanding of this new development.

National Commander Rehbein expressed his appreciation to President Ma for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with him. He also stressed the close and friendly relationship between The American Legion and Taiwan.

National Commander Rehbein and Mrs. Rehbein, The American Legion Auxiliary National President Desiree Stoy and her husband, Assistant to the National Commander Mr. Milton Glenn Heifner and Mrs. Heifner, and the former deputy chairman of the organization's Foreign Relations Commission Mr. Lafayette J. Lamb were accompanied to the Presidential Office in the morning by Minister of the Veterans Affairs Commission Kao Hua-chu to meet President Ma. Also in attendance was National Security Council Deputy Secretary-General Lee Hai-tung.

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