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President Ma Attends Reception in Celebration of 2009 Africa Day

President Ma Ying-jeou attended a reception in celebration of Africa Day 2009 on the evening of May 25 and delivered remarks to the gathering. The president expressed his appreciation to African allies and friends for their staunch support for Taiwan in the international arena. After his remarks, the president visited an exhibition of African handicrafts.

President Ma noted that Africa Day is held to mark the May 25, 1963 founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). The OAU established its own successor, the African Union (AU), on July 9, 2002. The AU follows in the footsteps of the European Union, serving as a regional integration organization. The AU held its 12th summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February of this year, during which a resolution was passed to establish the African Union Authority to replace the African Union Commission. Member nations expressed their desire to achieve the ultimate goal of forming a union government. President Ma said he is confident that solidarity and cooperation among African nations will bring new hope and opportunities for global peace and prosperity.

President Ma also said that while a significant geographic distance separates Taiwan and Africa, a kinship among brothers ensures close bonds between Taiwan and its African allies and friends. The president noted that King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Swaziland, President Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso, President Fradique de Menezes of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe and Vice President Dr. Isatou Njie Saidy of the Republic of The Gambia came from afar to attend his inauguration festivities last year. Since that time, Sao Tome and Principe Prime Minister Joaquim Rafael Branco, The Gambia President Yahya AJJ Jammeh, and Swaziland Prime Minister Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini have all visited Taiwan to exchange opinions with him on a range of issues concerning Africa and the state of the world. The president said he has learned much from these meetings. President Ma reiterated his deep appreciation on behalf of the government and people of the ROC for the staunch support that African friends and allies have exhibited for Taiwan at international events.

The president furthermore said that Taiwan and its African friends and allies have a deep friendship. To strengthen bilateral interaction, the president commented that last September he sent Vice President Vincent C. Siew to Swaziland to attend the "twin celebrations" being held there. Over the past six months, Minister of Foreign Affairs Francisco H. L. Ou, Minister of Economic Affairs Yiin Chii-ming, and Council of Labor Affairs Minister Wang Ju-hsuan have all visited Africa. The president expressed his deep desire to have the opportunity to personally visit the African continent in the future.

President Ma also briefed the gathering on the government's efforts and achievements in improving cross-strait relations. He said that successful efforts in this regard have reduced the tension between the two sides that has existed for over 50 years. In addition, the rapprochement between the two sides is creating benefits for the international community. President Ma urged mainland China to end cutthroat diplomatic competition. He also pledged to friends and allies that the relations between the ROC and its allies will not wane, but rather will continue to strengthen. Mutual friendship will be long lasting, he said. Besides strengthening economic and trade relations, cultural interaction should also be enhanced, he said, as this is an important objective of holding the Africa Day event.

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