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President and Vice President Inspect Ocean-going Navy Fleet

Keelung, Feb. 16 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Annette Lu traveled Sunday to the northern port city of Keelung to review the navy's "friendship fleet, " which is scheduled to set sail at the end of this month on an overseas trip.

Aboard the training frigate Wuyi, Chen met with some of the officers and sailors who will make port calls in various Republic of China allies in the Caribbean and Central America.

In a brief speech, Chen, who is commander in chief of the country's armed forces, called on the men and women in uniform to strive to their utmost in honing their skills and strengthening their knowledge to make them capable guards of the national security.

He said heightening awareness of the threat from across the Taiwan Strait is necessary, as mainland China has continued to expand its military buildup in recent years, to an extent that is threatening Taiwan's national security and the stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

He called on the servicemen and women to uphold the navy spirit, follow naval traditions and demonstrate their esprit de corps during their training courses.

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