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President Ma meets delegation from European Parliament

President Ma Ying-jeou met on May 26 with a European Parliament delegation headed by Michael Gahler. The president stressed during the meeting that people realize the importance of peace only when peace is lost. Over the past two years, he said, the ROC government has strived to improve cross-strait relations, thereby significantly reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait. He stated that the situation on the Korean Peninsula concerns him, and this proves that the direction taken by the government here is the correct one.

Noting the positive development of relations between Taiwan and the European Union (EU) in recent years, the president said the EU is the largest investor in Taiwan and bilateral trade in 2008 stood at US$47.7 billion. While trade between the two sides fell to US$37.0 billion last year as the result of the financial tsunami, he nevertheless expressed his confidence that bilateral trade this year will return to 2008 levels.

President Ma furthermore stated that the EU over the past two years has issued declarations or passed resolutions on 11 occasions supporting the ROC's participation in international organizations or activities. In particular, the EU has supported participation for Taiwan in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), both of which Taiwan very much wants to take part in. Ties between Taiwan and the EU are very close, said the president, who last year on the first anniversary of his inauguration received congratulations from 208 members of the European Parliament. In addition, 19 members of the European Parliament visited Taiwan last year, while 13 members have visited so far this year. Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng last year led a delegation to Europe and received an enthusiastic reception from the European Parliament, which demonstrates the body's goodwill towards Taiwan. Furthermore, the president noted that European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek sent messages expressing their deepest condolences after the devastating flooding and landslides in southern and eastern Taiwan last August caused by Typhoon Morakot. The organizations also sent experts to Taiwan to assess the situation and assist in rescue work, which the people of Taiwan will never forget.

President Ma commented that Europe presently is the second most popular destination for Taiwan students studying overseas. It is also a favorite destination for tourists from Taiwan. Consequently, the ROC hopes that nationals from Taiwan will enjoy visa-free courtesies when traveling to Europe. The president said he realizes that the members of the European Parliament present at this meeting have been working quite hard to promote this objective, adding that he hopes to hear good news on this matter in the future. Meanwhile, President Ma said that he is confident that bilateral trade will grow rapidly if a Trade Enhancement Measures (TEM) agreement is signed.

The president stated that he attended a European security conference held in Munich in 1992 and delivered an address on relations between Taiwan and Europe in which he urged Taiwan and European companies to form strategic alliances to jointly develop the mainland China market. The president said his appeal was later published in the NATO Review. He added that Taiwan and mainland China are currently negotiating an Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), which if signed would represent the achievement of an idea he developed 18 years ago.

President Ma stated that Taiwan's principle is to shift from confrontation to negotiation, and from conflict to reconciliation. He said his administration is working diligently to improve cross-strait relations. This has greatly reduced tension in the Taiwan Strait, thereby defusing tension in one of the two so-called hot points in East Asia. The president said he is confident that few observers anywhere these days believe armed conflict will break out in the Taiwan Strait, adding that Taiwan will make every effort to maintain peace and stability in the region.

MP Gahler expressed his appreciation to President Ma for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with the delegation as well as the warm reception afforded to the group by officials here. He said that this visit will enable members of the delegation to better understand various issues related to Taiwan. MP Gahler remarked that the European Parliament has always had more respect for democratic nations than for non-democratic ones. He said that Taiwan for many years has upheld democratic principles and consequently the European Parliament will continue to support Taiwan.

The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Deputy Foreign Minister Lyushun Shen and European Economic and Trade Office Deputy Head of Office Tamas Maczak to meet President Ma. Also in attendance was National Security Council Deputy Secretary-General Chih-kung Liu.

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