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Vice President Siew arrives in Paraguay (first day of visit)

A delegation led by Vice President Vincent C. Siew and Mrs. Siew on a two-nation trip (designated "Project Eternal Friendship") to Latin American allies Paraguay and Panama left Taipei on the evening of May 10. The delegation arrived around noon on May 11 Taipei time for a stopover in Los Angeles, where American Institute in Taiwan Chairman Raymond F. Burghardt boarded the plane to personally welcome them on their stopover.

After a two-night layover in the United States, the vice president and his delegation took a chartered flight on the evening of May 12 (afternoon of May 13 Taipei time), stopping first in Panama for refueling and then continuing to the Republic of Paraguay, the first formal destination of the journey. Vice President and Mrs. Siew and the delegation arrived at Asuncion International Airport at 3:00 p.m. on May 13 local time (3:00 a.m. May 14 Taipei time). The delegation was greeted upon arrival by Paraguayan Vice President Federico Franco and Mrs. Franco and Asuncion mayor Arnaldo Samaniego. Overseas compatriots residing in Paraguay also were at the airport to welcome the delegation. The vice president accepted a key to the city from Mayor Samaniego, symbolizing the friendship between the two countries.

In the evening, Vice President and Mrs. Siew held a banquet at their hotel for overseas compatriots residing in Paraguay. The event formally began after the flags of the two nations were carried into the banquet room. In remarks to the gathering, Vice President Siew stated that he was delighted to represent President Ma Ying-jeou in leading a delegation to Paraguay at the invitation of Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo to attend celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of Paraguay's independence. He also said he was pleased to have the opportunity to have a meal with the overseas compatriots. The vice president noted that he first visited Paraguay 20 years ago in his capacity as Minister of Economic Affairs, and remarked that he felt a special familiarity with Paraguay upon returning, adding that he is deeply impressed by the rise in living standards of the Paraguayan people, the cleanliness of the city, and the thriving development of all aspects of society.

Vice President Siew remarked that the Republic of Paraguay has been a loyal friend of the ROC through thick and thin, and the friendship between the two countries has continued to strengthen since diplomatic relations were established between the two more than half a century ago. The vice president stated that this year marks both the bicentennial of Paraguay's independence and the centennial of the founding of the ROC, which makes this trip to Paraguay all the more historically significant. Vice President Siew noted that in two days he and his Paraguayan counterpart will jointly preside over a ceremony marking the issuance of postage stamps commemorating the two important events this year. Besides symbolizing the lasting friendship between the two countries, the stamps will also highlight that the relationship between the ROC and Paraguay is an alliance of democracy-loving nations, he said.

Vice President Siew stressed that both the ROC and Paraguay have long embraced democracy and freedom. Both nations have undertaken many rounds of democratic reform, and have many common experiences in the areas of politics, economics, and social development. The ROC and Paraguay maintain close cooperation and interaction in the areas of agricultural technology, culture and education, and there is a genuine brotherly character to the bilateral relationship.

The vice president said he was deeply touched that so many overseas compatriots came to welcome him upon his arrival in Paraguay despite the torrid heat. He said that even Paraguayan Vice President Franco and Mrs. Franco sensed the patriotism of the overseas compatriots. Vice President Siew remarked that overseas compatriot groups and organizations in Asuncion and Ciudad del Este have long supported the government and have actively worked with the ROC embassy and consulate general to promote work associated with overseas compatriot affairs. Consequently, the vice president said he especially wants to express his deepest gratitude and regards to them for working to build cohesion within the overseas compatriot community. At the same time, he stated that the government places great importance on overseas compatriot issues and its concern for overseas compatriots will not change.

The vice president stated that overseas compatriots in Paraguay are dedicated to their work and the community, and they make every effort to integrate into Paraguayan society. These individuals have made contributions to Paraguay through trade, the hospitality industry, culture, education, manufacturing, and business. In addition, overseas compatriots do not forget to participate in charitable activities to pay back Paraguay, for which they have won praise from both the ruling and opposition camps in Paraguay. This has been enormously helpful in boosting the status of overseas compatriots from the ROC in Paraguay, and in promoting friendship between the two countries, the vice president added.

Vice President Siew stated that overseas compatriot leaders have worked hard both in their professional and private lives in Paraguay while at the same time paying close attention to the development of Taiwan and the status of relations between Taiwan and mainland China. He said that the worst global economic crisis in nearly a century unfolded shortly after he and President Ma took office three years ago. Taiwan was dealt a blow by the financial tsunami, he remarked, but the government adopted a number of timely economic stimulus measures, and various moves to restructure the economy were implemented. These measures have brought about a steady economic recovery in Taiwan, where the economic growth rate hit a 21-year high of 10.82% in 2010. While Taiwan has felt the impact of the devastating Japanese earthquake and tsunami on March 11, the nation's economic growth is still expected to reach a reasonable 5.04% this year, he stated.

In turning to cross-strait relations, Vice President Siew noted that the two sides resumed negotiations based on the foundation of the "1992 Consensus," i.e. "one China, respective interpretations." Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation and mainland China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits have met six times and signed 15 agreements, he pointed out. In particular, Taiwan and mainland China on June 29 last year signed the cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), which formally took effect on January 1 this year. This is enabling the gradual normalization and institutionalization of cross-strait trade and economic relations, and is also helping Taiwan to further link with the Asia-Pacific region and have a global presence, he stated.

Vice President Siew furthermore mentioned that cross-strait ties have also made great strides in such areas as economic and trade ties, tourism, people-to-people contacts, and cultural ties. The emerging peace in the Taiwan Strait has been very positively received in the international community, he said, commenting that while the ECFA is not a panacea, it is a step that we must take. The reconciliation between the two sides, along with the end to the contentious struggle between Taiwan and mainland China in the diplomatic arena, are boosting the willingness of more nations to have dealings with Taiwan, which is helping us to have closer contact with more jurisdictions and putting Taiwan on the road to becoming a member of the global community, while also enabling the world to come to Taiwan, he said.

The vice president stated that this visit to Paraguay is quite significant because it is not only the centenary of the ROC, but also the bicentennial of Paraguay's independence. He expressed his hope that the overseas compatriot community will continue to provide resolute support to the government and President Ma in helping to create new vistas for the people of the ROC and to meet the difficult challenges that face us. At the same time, he asked that overseas compatriots continue to assist the nation by speaking on behalf of Taiwan and being model spokespersons for the government.

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