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President Ma meets American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong

President Ma Ying-jeou met on the morning of November 29 with American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong and Mrs. Wong. The president extended a warm welcome to the couple on their visit to Taiwan and expressed his appreciation for the longstanding support and friendship provided to the ROC by the organization.

In remarks, the president noted that the American Legion is the largest organization in the United States for retired servicemen, and has a membership of more than three million. Over the past two decades, the American Legion has on many occasions expressed its support for the ROC and indicated its concern for the security of Taiwan and the development of cross-strait relations. There could not be a better symbol of the mutual friendship, said the president, adding that the comprehensive organizational structure of the American Legion, and the services it provides to veterans, serve as models for the ROC's Veterans Affairs Commission.

The president also explained to the visitors the appreciation that the ROC government has for veterans, as these individuals helped to restore Taiwan to the Republic of China, and have protected, defended, and built the nation. Servicemen have spared no effort in their work to provide a stable environment for the public. He furthermore pointed out that they have played an integral role in recent years in rescue and relief work. Servicemen are able to rush to a disaster site some 10 minutes after an event has taken place, which helps put the public at ease and wins the military the respect of the public.

President Ma mentioned that two months ago the United States government announced the sale of a package of arms worth about US$5.8 billion to Taiwan. This includes helping Taiwan to upgrade its F-16A/B fighter jets. This move, he said, will help strengthen the fleet and extend its service life. The president specially expressed his deepest appreciation to the United States for its decision in this regard. In addition, he pointed out that the ROC is planning to introduce a volunteer military system aimed at enabling the military to become more professional and to effectively deter any military action against Taiwan.

The president furthermore reiterated that the ROC government places great emphasis on national defense. While the government has adopted a policy of promoting peaceful development of relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the institutionalization of cross-strait rapprochement is the best security for Taiwan and is Taiwan's first line of defense. The government will continue to work to create an environment for stability and prosperity here, the president added.

The guests also included National President of the American Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Kristine L. Nelson and her husband, American Legion special assistance Mr. Douglas Francis Malin and Mrs. Malin, American Legion Department of New York Adjutant Mr. Richard M. Pedro and Mrs. Pedro, American Legion National Sergeant at Arms Mr. David J. Louie and Mrs. Louie, and the American Legion's National Public Relations Chairman Mr. Robert Morrill. The group was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Veterans Affairs Commission Minister Tseng Jing-ling (曾金陵) to meet the president. Also attending the meeting was National Security Council Deputy Secretary-General Chih-kung Liu (劉志攻).

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