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President Ma presides over ceremony in which the 13th-term president and vice president pay respects to ROC founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen

President Ma Ying-jeou on the morning of May 22 presided over a ceremony held at National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine in the Yuanshan area of Taipei for the 13th-term president and vice president of the ROC to pay their respects to the nation's founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Also attending the ceremony were Vice President Wu Den-yih, Premier Sean C. Chen (陳冲), Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng (王金平), Judicial Yuan President Rai Hau-min (賴浩敏), Examination Yuan President Kuan Chung (關中), and Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien (王建煊).
The ceremony commenced at 9 a.m. to the sound of military percussion music. President Ma was accompanied by Secretary-General to the President Tseng Yung-chuan (曾永權) on the trip to the Martyrs’ Shrine. Bells and drums sounded at the beginning of the ceremony, with officials of various ranks taking their positions. After the playing of the national anthem, President Ma lit incense before a portrait of Dr. Sun and presented a wreath. After reciting an oration, the president led the others participating in the ceremony in bowing three times before the portrait of the nation's founding father. The atmosphere of the ceremony was solemn and decorous.

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