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President Chen Attends a Gathering Organized by the Taiwan Junior Chamber at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
Taipei, Oct. 26 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian Saturday urged Beijing to remove some 400 missiles it has deployed in southeastern provinces with Taiwan as their target.

He made the appeal while speaking at a gathering organized by the Taiwan Junior Chamber at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.

Chen called on peace-loving people around the world to urge withdrawal of those missiles so as to create a world filled with freedom, peace, security and prosperity.

He said that in his Double Ten National Day message this year, he urged Beijing leaders to remove those missiles and to renounce use of military force to resolve the Taiwan issue.

The president pointed out that the European Parliament has also voted 448-26 recently to ask mainland China to withdraw those missiles, of which, he said, 192 are deployed in Loping, Jiangxi Province, and 208 are deployed in Yungan and Xienyung, Fujian Province.

The gathering, attended by thousands of people, was designed to call for removal of the missiles directed against Taiwan.

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