President Ma's Response to Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of Peace 2016
President Ma sent a letter on January 19 to Pope Francis of the Catholic Church in response to the Papal Message for World Day of Peace 2016.
The following is the full text of the president's letter to the pope:
Your Holiness:
I heartily agree with and admire the profound insights expressed in your message celebrating the 2016 World Day of Peace, entitled “Overcome Indifference and Win Peace,” which calls on people around the world to build a culture of solidarity, mercy, and compassion to combat global selfishness, resignation, and indifference.
As Your Holiness observes, because of their indifference to poverty and the surrounding environment, many people are aware of the tragedies afflicting humanity, but neither show concern or empathy, nor act to help resolve these problems. Widespread indifference to the plight of the environment also results in deforestation, pollution, and natural catastrophes, creating new forms of poverty and injustice that may ultimately threaten global security and peace. Indeed, if we wish to foster peace, we must overcome people’s indifference.
Peace also requires that we foster consensus and work together. I thus responded to tensions in the Asia-Pacific region by proposing the East China Sea and South China Sea Peace Initiatives. Those initiatives, based on clearly defined concepts, call on all parties concerned to exercise restraint, shelve disputes, and use peaceful means such as consultation and dialogue to resolve conflicts. As a member of the international community, the Republic of China has faithfully fulfilled its responsibility as a provider of humanitarian aid over the past few years, responding to Your Holiness’ appeals to provide relief via the Holy See to refugees from northern Iraq, as well as victims of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the Nepal earthquake, and the Guatemala mudslide. The ROC government is also deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in Syria, Iraq, and neighboring countries, and since 2013 has provided prefabricated houses, medical devices, and lighting equipment, offered psychological counseling, repaired water wells, and donated food to refugees and the poor in this region.
In your message, Your Holiness thanked and encouraged young people who engage in works of charity and compassion, and all those who generously assist others in their communities, cities, countries, and elsewhere in the world, saying that their mercy will lead them to find mercy, and that they will be called children of God. I firmly believe, Your Holiness, that your message has given encouragement to those involved in good works, and will lead even more people to hear God’s call, and spread mercy throughout humankind. The Republic of China is a peace-loving country. Since I took office in 2008, I have done my utmost to encourage peaceful interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Through dialogue and unremitting effort we have overcome numerous obstacles, and cross-strait relations are vastly improved, spreading the light of peace. On November 7 last year, I met with mainland Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Singapore. This historic breakthrough has let the world know that the cross-strait leaders have established a communication mechanism to handle disputes through peaceful means, giving our region, and other areas of the world facing similar difficulties, a positive example. Relations between the two sides are now the most peaceful and stable they have been for 66 years, and I believe this will gradually help move mainland Chinese society toward greater freedom and openness.
The Republic of China and the Holy See have enjoyed a strong partnership over the past 73 years, sharing a commitment to the universal values of democracy, freedom, and peace. The Church in Taiwan will remain deeply committed to fulfilling God’s mercy, promoting evangelization and pastoral work, and act as bridge churches. Responding to Your Holiness’ call for compassion, the ROC government will remain deeply committed to the spirit and conviction underpinning our roles as peacemaker and provider of humanitarian aid, and contribute even more to world peace and international aid. Together we will work to advance freedom, justice, and peace, and spread these values to mainland China and the rest of the world.
In announcing the Jubilee of Mercy on December 8 last year, Your Holiness demonstrated great broad-mindedness and the exemplary magnanimity of a religious leader, reminding people throughout the world to reflect, overcome indifference, and correct the injustices that surround us. I sincerely hope that Your Holiness’ message will open people’s hearts to God’s mercy so that it may guide their actions, thereby overcoming indifference and winning a beautiful world of friendship and peace.
Please accept, Your Holiness, the assurances of my highest consideration, as well as my best wishes for your personal wellbeing and the continued prosperity of the Holy See.