President Lai meets international and Taiwanese members of 2024 JCI World Congress organizing committee
On the morning of July 18, President Lai Ching-te met with international and Taiwanese members of the organizing committee for the 2024 Junior Chamber International (JCI) World Congress. In remarks, President Lai said that Taiwan will host this year’s JCI World Congress, adding that young leaders from many nations will focus on such issues as entrepreneurship and innovation, green economy, and carbon emissions reduction under the event’s theme, “Technological Innovation for a Prosperous and Sustainable Future.” The president thanked JCI for supporting Taiwan and expressed his hope for Taiwan to harness the power for change through this event, as we work together to make the world a better place.
A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:
In October, Taiwan will host the 2024 JCI World Congress. Over the past several years, I have enjoyed many interactions with partners from JCI, and I am delighted to be able to welcome you all to the Presidential Office today. I wish the congress great success and thank all of our JCI partners for their contributions.
Over the years, JCI Taiwan has been actively involved in public affairs. Its Ten Outstanding Young Persons award encourages young people to contribute even more to society. It was an honor for me to serve as chairman of the panel of judges for the awards and to work with JCI in promoting this meaningful event.
As one of the world’s four major international service organizations, JCI continues to marshal the forces of its 350,000-strong global membership and community resources to promote global development. The 2024 JCI World Congress in October will bring together more than 6,000 people from 120 countries. The event will see young leaders from these nations focus on such issues as entrepreneurship and innovation, green economy, and carbon emissions reduction under its theme, “Technological Innovation for a Prosperous and Sustainable Future.”
I understand that JCI President Kaveen Kumar Kumaravel’s vision for his fellow members is “Let’s make a difference!” We are delighted to welcome the president and thank him for helping facilitate Taiwan’s hosting of this year’s world congress, so that we can harness the power for change as we work together to make the world a better place.
In closing, I want to extend my special thanks to JCI Chung-Li for winning the bid for Taiwan’s right to host the world congress. And I thank all of our guests once again for supporting Taiwan. I wish you a successful visit and the very best for the JCI World Congress.
Also in attendance at the meeting was JCI Secretary General Kevin Hin.
President Tsai delivers remarks at awards ceremony for outstanding young overseas compatriots
On the morning of October 16, President Tsai Ing-wen delivered recorded remarks at an awards ceremony for outstanding young overseas compatriots. President Tsai praised the award winners for leading the way in people-to-people diplomacy, saying that they not only are very accomplished in their own professions, but they have also helped Taiwanese business organizations worldwide flourish. The president added that she looks forward to seeing even more outstanding young expatriates excelling in various fields, continuing to help Taiwan engage with the world, and making our country a truly global Taiwan.
The following is a translation of President Tsai's remarks:
First, I want to congratulate all the award winners for being selected as the ten outstanding young overseas compatriots. I also want to thank the Overseas Compatriot Culture and Education Foundation for organizing these awards over the past several years to commend overseas Taiwanese for their accomplishments while also sharing their experiences with even more people.
Each awardee has expertise in different areas and is highly influential.
Mr. Benjamin Chou (周浩恩) developed the first ever drive-thru voting system in Texas, USA. His innovation helped keep voters safe from COVID-19 while enabling citizens to exercise their right to vote. Chou is an outstanding example in both the political and public spheres.
In the field of law, Ms. Wendy Chang (張文綺) in Paraguay, Mr. Danny Chen (陳啟耕) in California, USA, and Mr. Chih-Po Albert Huang (黃志博) in South Africa have long used their legal expertise to provide expatriates with consultations and services. They have all made enormous contributions to advancing the rights and interests of overseas Taiwanese.
In the field of finance, Mr. Peter C.L. Lin (林敬倫) not only teaches in the Financial Mathematics program at Johns Hopkins University, he also founded a financial technology company that has facilitated innovation in Taiwanese industries.
There are five award winners in the field of commerce. Ms. Ray Jan (冉瑞宜) has spent many years in California dedicated to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises run by people of Asian descent, while also making considerable contributions to the women's rights movement. Mr. Hao-Wei Chen (陳浩維) has excelled in information security, and founded a Taiwan affinity group at Amazon to promote Taiwanese culture. Mr. Richard Tseng (曾遠喆) organized the Indonesia Taiwan Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter to promote exchanges with young Indonesian businesspeople, helping to implement our New Southbound Policy. In France, Ms. Huang Kai-lin (黃凱琳) has worked to actively build bridges between Taiwanese businesses and other countries in her role as president of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter. And in Australia, Mr. Frank Chang (張戴麒) has served as chief officer of the Melbourne Taiwan Festival, which attracted tens of thousands of visitors, successfully enhancing Taiwan's image.
We are working to engage with the world, with these award winners leading the way for our people-to-people diplomacy. They not only are very accomplished in their own professions, they have also helped Taiwanese business organizations worldwide flourish. I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication.
I hope that in the future there will be even more outstanding young expatriates who can, like all of you, excel in their chosen fields while continuing to help Taiwan engage with the world and turn our country into a global Taiwan. I look forward to making more progress together. Thank you!
President Tsai and young Taiwanese-Americans stroll in NYC Central Park
While transiting in New York on her Journey of Freedom, Democracy, and Sustainability, President Tsai Ing-wen went for a stroll with young Taiwan-Americans in New York City's Central Park on the morning of July 13 (evening Taipei time).
New York is an important global center for business, finance, culture, and art, attracting many young Taiwanese-Americans who live, study, and work there. Their stroll gave the president an opportunity to really understand their work situations and lifestyles, and share what she has learned on her journey and her vision for the future of Taiwan.
President Tsai took part in this event hoping to encourage young Taiwanese-Americans to develop their professional expertise, and establish more international connections for themselves and Taiwan, by participating in activities of all kinds.
During their stroll, the Taiwanese-American young people welcomed the president with enthusiasm, and their interactions were warm and friendly. President Tsai graciously took group photos, and signed T-shirts and photos to keep as souvenirs.
The president, accompanied by American Institute in Taiwan Chairman James Moriarty, then headed for Pier 62 where they boarded a boat for some sight-seeing on the Hudson River, passing the various riverbank parks, One World Trade Center, Wall Street and the Financial District, Ellis Island, Governor's Island, and the Statue of Liberty—symbol of freedom and democracy.
Among those attending the event were National Security Council Secretary-General David T. Lee (李大維), Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮), Representative to the United States Stanley Kao (高碩泰), Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-Tsan (鄭文燦), and Legislators Kuan, Bi-Ling (管碧玲), Chao Tien-lin (趙天麟), and Lo Chih-Cheng (羅致政).
After wrapping up her New York City transit stop at noon, President Tsai departed for Taiwan's diplomatic ally, the Republic of Haiti.
President Tsai meets 2018 International Youth Ambassadors and Young Agricultural Ambassadors
During a meeting with 2018 "International Youth Ambassadors Exchange Program" and "Young Agricultural Ambassadors New Southbound Policy Exchange Program" participants on the morning of October 19, President Tsai Ing-wen said that the momentum to drive continuous innovation and forward progress in Taiwan will come from young people's completely new way of thinking. She urged the youth ambassadors to maintain their enthusiasm, and bring positive creativity and inspiration to the government's ongoing diplomatic work.
President Tsai started her remarks by welcoming the youth ambassadors to the Presidential Office, and noted that her visitors included three different groups of participants in the "International Youth Ambassadors Exchange Program" organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One group had traveled to the Solomon Islands and Thailand, another to Palau and the Philippines, and the third to Tuvalu and India. Also on hand, she noted, were participants in the "Young Agricultural Ambassadors New Southbound Policy Exchange Program" co-organized by the Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who had been sent to Vietnam and Malaysia, many of whom were selected for recognition as members of Taiwan's outstanding "Hundred Young Farmers."
President Tsai pointed out that since taking office she has made five state visits to Taiwan's diplomatic allies, and wanted to share two important things she learned from her participation in diplomatic work. The first was that we are often compared to our larger neighbors when talking about regional politics or history, but on a global scale, Taiwan is a country with a significant presence and considerable strengths. That means we should have confidence in ourselves. The second thing she learned is that Taiwan can contribute to the world. Our experience pursuing democracy and economic development successes set a good example for many other countries.
President Tsai went on to say that in a more concrete sense, Taiwan is also a top global competitor in the fields of agriculture, education, healthcare, and technology. Whenever she has visited Taiwan's allies and interacted with our medical and technical missions stationed overseas, she has personally witnessed that kind of strength, which can definitely benefit the global community and make the world a better place. So as long as we are bold and go out into the world, the president said, the world will engage with us. The way Taiwan makes friends is by contributing its experience and technologies.
President Tsai said that the assembled youth ambassadors were all doing important diplomatic work this past summer. This year, she said, we focused on in-depth exchanges to create connections for agricultural production and marketing and technology cooperation in countries targeted by Taiwan's New Southbound Policy. The results of those efforts have been quite good, and on behalf of the government, the president thanked everyone for their hard work.
President Tsai said she was happy to learn that the Young Agricultural Ambassadors included a second-generation Taiwanese citizen of Vietnamese descent, and a Vietnamese man who married into a Taiwanese family, and one of the International Youth Ambassadors was a Taiwanese student who grew up in Thailand. People-centered exchanges are the foundation of Taiwan's efforts to enhance ties with neighboring Asian countries, and she thanked everyone for participating.
In closing, President Tsai offered encouragement to the young people on hand, saying that their new ways of thinking are often the source of momentum driving the nation's continuous innovation and forward progress. She then expressed hope that, after expanding their horizons as youth ambassadors, the participants would maintain enthusiasm and bring positive creativity and new inspiration to the government's ongoing diplomatic efforts. Following her remarks, the president listened to the youth ambassadors as they described their overseas exchange experiences.
President Tsai meets 2018 Mosaic Taiwan fellows
President Tsai Ing-wen met with the 2018 Mosaic Taiwan fellows on the morning of June 20. The president explained that although political factors make it difficult for Taiwan to participate in the international community, we will continue our active cooperation and dialogue with the international community, share our experiences, and contribute our knowledge and expertise to the world. She hopes that when the fellows return home, they'll share their impressions and perspectives about Taiwan with their friends and become "Taiwan Insiders" in the United States and Canada.
President Tsai first welcomed the young people from the United States and Canada, all of whom came to Taiwan because of their passion for public and international affairs. She mentioned that this was their first visit to Taiwan, and that over the past week or so, they had participated in many different classes and cultural activities. The president said that she's sure they understand a bit more about Taiwan, and that she's equally sure that they liked what they saw.
President Tsai told the fellows that although political factors make it difficult for Taiwan to participate in the international community, the international community cannot--and will not—miss out on what Taiwan has to offer. Our region, and the international community, are well aware of Taiwan's history of successful economic development and democratic transformation. We're now also implementing industrial upgrade and transformation policies, she said, and we're one of the few Asian countries taking concrete action to address transitional justice issues.
As part of the international community, the president stated, Taiwan wants to share its developmental experience, and contribute our knowledge and expertise to the world. But for some time now, China has subjected Taiwan to political interference and suppression. Fortunately, the people of Taiwan have also received tremendous support from many like-minded countries. But as external suppression gets stronger, so does Taiwan's determination to engage with the world. And we will continue our active cooperation and dialogue with the international community.
President Tsai then cited examples of Taiwan's frequent interaction and cooperation with the United States and Canada. In November of last year, she said, Taiwan became the 12th country in the world, and the third country in Asia, to become part of the US Global Entry Program. This April, we also reached reciprocal driver's license agreements with all ten Canadian provinces. These agreements, she said, will have a positive impact on government and people-to-people exchanges between Taiwan and the United States, and Taiwan and Canada.
In closing, the president expressed hope that based on their research and experiences here, the visitors will all be "Taiwan Insiders" in their home countries. So when they return home, she asked them to share their impressions and perspectives about Taiwan with their friends.
President Lai holds press conference following high-level national security meeting
On the morning of February 14, President Lai Ching-te convened the first high-level national security meeting of the year, following which he held a press conference. In remarks, President Lai announced that in this new year, the government will prioritize special budget allocations to ensure that Taiwan’s defense budget exceeds 3 percent of GDP. He stated that the government will also continue to reform national defense, reform our legal framework for national security, and advance our economic and trade strategy of being rooted in Taiwan while expanding globally. The president also proposed clear-cut national strategies for Taiwan-US relations, semiconductor industry development, and cross-strait relations.
President Lai indicated that he instructed the national security and administrative teams to take swift action and deliver results, working within a stable strategic framework and according to the various policies and approaches outlined. He also instructed them to keep a close watch on changes in the international situation, seize opportunities whenever they arise, and address the concerns and hope of the citizens with concrete actions. He expressed hope that as long as citizens remain steadfast in their convictions, are willing to work hand in hand, stand firm amidst uncertainty, and look for ways to win within changing circumstances, Taiwan is certain to prevail in the test of time yet again.
A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:
First, I would like to convey my condolences for the tragic incident which occurred at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Taichung, which resulted in numerous casualties. I have instructed Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) to lead the relevant central government agencies in assisting Taichung’s municipal government with actively resolving various issues regarding the incident. It is my hope that these issues can be resolved efficiently.
Earlier today, I convened this year’s first high-level national security meeting. I will now report on the discussions from the meeting to all citizens.
2025 is a year full of challenges, but also a year full of hope.
In today’s global landscape, the democratic world faces common threats posed by the convergence of authoritarian regimes, while dumping and unfair competition from China undermine the global economic order. A new United States administration was formed at the beginning of the year, adopting all-new strategies and policies to address challenges both domestic and from overseas. Every nation worldwide, including ours, is facing a new phase of changes and challenges.
In face of such changes, ensuring national security, ensuring Taiwan’s indispensability in global supply chains, and ensuring that our nation continues to make progress amidst challenges are our top priorities this year. They are also why we convened a high-level national security meeting today.
At the meeting, the national security team, the administrative team led by Premier Cho, and I held an in-depth discussion based on the overall state of affairs at home and abroad and the strategies the teams had prepared in response. We summed up the following points as an overall strategy for the next stage of advancing national security and development.
First, for overall national security, so that we can ensure the freedom, democracy, and human rights of the Taiwanese people, as well as the progress and development of the nation as we face various threats from authoritarian regimes, Taiwan must resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, strengthen self-sufficiency in national defense, and consolidate national defense. Taiwan must enhance economic resilience, maintain economic autonomy, and stand firm with other democracies as we deepen our strategic partnerships with like-minded countries. As I have said, “As authoritarianism consolidates, democratic nations must come closer in solidarity!”
And so, in this new year, we will focus on the following three priorities:
First, to demonstrate our resolve for national defense, we will continue to reform national defense, implement whole-of-society defense resilience, and prioritize special budget allocations to ensure that our defense budget exceeds 3 percent of GDP.
Second, to counter the threats to our national security from China’s united front tactics, attempts at infiltration, and cognitive warfare, we will continue with the reform of our legal framework for national security and expand the national security framework to boost societal resilience and foster unity within.
Third, to seize opportunities in the restructuring of global supply chains and realignment of the economic order, we will continue advancing our economic and trade strategy of being rooted in Taiwan while expanding globally, strengthening protections for high-tech, and collaborating with our friends and allies to build supply chains for global democracies.
Everyone shares concern regarding Taiwan-US relations, semiconductor industry development, and cross-strait relations. For these issues, I am proposing clear-cut national strategies.
First, I will touch on Taiwan-US relations.
Taiwan and the US have shared ideals and values, and are staunch partners within the democratic, free community. We are very grateful to President Donald Trump’s administration for their continued support for Taiwan after taking office. We are especially grateful for the US and Japan’s joint leaders’ statement reiterating “the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity for the international community,” as well as their high level of concern regarding China’s threat to regional security.
In fact, the Democratic Progressive Party government has worked very closely with President Trump ever since his first term in office, and has remained an international partner. The procurement of numerous key advanced arms, freedom of navigation critical for security and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and many assisted breakthroughs in international diplomacy were made possible during this time.
Positioned in the first island chain and on the democratic world’s frontline countering authoritarianism, Taiwan is willing and will continue to work with the US at all levels as we pursue regional stability and prosperity, helping realize our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific. Although changes in policy may occur these next few years, the mutual trust and close cooperation between Taiwan and Washington will steadfastly endure. On that, our citizens can rest assured.
In accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances, the US announced a total of 48 military sales to Taiwan over the past eight years amounting to US$26.265 billion. During President Trump’s first term, 22 sales were announced totaling US$18.763 billion. This greatly supported Taiwan’s defensive capabilities.
On the foundation of our close cooperation with the past eight years’ two US administrations, Taiwan will continue to demonstrate our determination for self-defense, accelerate the bolstering of our national defense, and keep enhancing the depth and breadth of Taiwan-US security cooperation, along with all manner of institutional cooperation.
In terms of bilateral economic cooperation, Taiwan has always been one of the US’s most reliable trade partners, as well as one of the most important cooperative partners of US companies in the global semiconductor industry. In the past few years, Taiwan has greatly increased both direct and indirect investment in the US. By 2024, investment surpassed US$100 billion, creating nearly 400,000 job opportunities. In 2023 and 2024, investment in the US accounted for over 40 percent of Taiwan’s overall foreign investment, far surpassing our investment in China. In fact, in 2023 and 2024, Taiwanese investment in China fell to 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively. The US is now Taiwan’s biggest investment target.
Our government is now launching relevant plans in accordance with national development needs and the need to establish secure supply systems, and the Executive Yuan is taking comprehensive inventory of opportunities for Taiwan-US economic and trade cooperation. Moving forward, close bilateral cooperation will allow us to expand US investment and procurement, facilitating balanced trade. Our government will also strengthen guidance and support for Taiwanese enterprises on increasing US investment, and promote the global expansion and growth of Taiwan’s industries.
We will also boost Taiwan-US cooperation in tech development and manufacturing for AI and advanced semiconductors, and work together to maintain order in the semiconductor market, shaping a new era for our strategic economic partnership.
Second, the development of our semiconductor industry.
I want to emphasize that Taiwan, as one of the world’s most capable semiconductor manufacturing nations, is both willing and able to address new situations.
With respect to President Trump’s concerns about our semiconductor industry, the government will act prudently, strengthen communications between Taiwan and the US, and promote greater mutual understanding.
We will pay attention to the challenges arising from the situation and assist businesses in navigating them. In addition, we will introduce an initiative on semiconductor supply chain partnerships for global democracies. We are willing to collaborate with the US and our other democratic partners to develop more resilient and diversified semiconductor supply chains. Leveraging our strengths in cutting-edge semiconductors, we will form a global alliance for the AI chip industry and establish democratic supply chains for industries connected to high-end chips. Through international cooperation, we will open up an entirely new era of growth in the semiconductor industry.
As we face the various new policies of the Trump administration, we will continue to uphold a spirit of mutual benefit, and we will continue to communicate and negotiate closely with the US government. This will help the new administration’s team to better understand how Taiwan is an indispensable partner in the process of rebuilding American manufacturing and consolidating its leadership in high-tech, and that Taiwan-US cooperation will benefit us both.
Third, cross-strait relations.
Regarding the regional and cross-strait situation, Taiwan-US relations, US-China relations, and interactions among Taiwan, the US, and China are a focus of global attention. As a member of the international democratic community and a responsible member of the region, Taiwan hopes to see Taiwan-US relations continue to strengthen and, alongside US-China relations, form a virtuous cycle rather than a zero-sum game where one side’s gain is another side’s loss.
In facing China, Taiwan will always be a responsible actor. We will neither yield nor provoke. We will remain resilient and composed, maintaining our consistent position on cross-strait relations:
Our determination to safeguard our national sovereignty and protect our free and democratic way of life remains unchanged.
Our efforts to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, as well as our willingness to work alongside China in the pursuit of peace and mutual prosperity across the strait, remain unchanged.
Our commitment to promoting healthy and orderly exchanges across the strait, choosing dialogue over confrontation, and advancing well-being for the peoples on both sides of the strait, under the principles of parity and dignity, remains unchanged.
Regarding the matters I reported to the public today, I have instructed our national security and administrative teams to take swift action and deliver results, working within a stable strategic framework and according to the various policies and approaches I just outlined. I have also instructed them to keep a close watch on changes in the international situation, seize opportunities whenever they arise, and address the concerns and hope of the citizens with concrete actions.
My fellow citizens, over the past several years, Taiwan has weathered a global pandemic and faced global challenges, both political and economic, arising from the US-China trade war and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Through it all, Taiwan has persevered; we have continued to develop our economy, bolster our national strength, and raise our international profile while garnering more support – all unprecedented achievements. This is all because Taiwan’s fate has never been decided by the external environment, but by the unity of the Taiwanese people and the resolve to never give up. A one-of-a-kind global situation is creating new strategic opportunities for our one-of-a-kind Taiwanese people, bringing new hope.
Taiwan’s foundation is solid; its strength is great. So as long as everyone remains steadfast in their convictions, is willing to work hand in hand, stands firm amidst uncertainty, and looks for ways to win within changing circumstances, Taiwan is certain to prevail in the test of our time yet again, for I am confident that there are no difficulties that Taiwan cannot overcome. Thank you.