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President Lai meets International Peace Foundation Chairman Uwe Morawetz
President Lai meets International Peace Foundation Chairman Uwe Morawetz

On the morning of June 3, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by International Peace Foundation (IPF) Founder and Chairman Uwe Morawetz. In remarks, President Lai thanked the IPF for coming to Taiwan to promote the Taiwan BRIDGES event series with National Taiwan University (NTU), and advance educational exchanges and global peace together. The president said he is confident the program will not only benefit Taiwan’s scholars, but also deepen our international connections and enhance our global reach. He also expressed hope that Chairman Morawetz will gain an even deeper understanding of Taiwan through this visit, and said he looks forward to seeing even more international exchanges and cooperation in the future.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

I am delighted to welcome Chairman Morawetz back to Taiwan. Chairman Morawetz is visiting to promote the Taiwan BRIDGES event series with NTU President Chen Wen-chang (陳文章). Last month, in my inaugural address, I stated that Taiwan would be a pilot for global peace. Today, I am pleased to meet and exchange ideas with Chairman Morawetz and all our distinguished guests.

The IPF believes that education serves as the foundation of peace. It has worked with universities to establish advanced courses and research that can assist governments, the European Union, and the United Nations in opening up peace dialogue. The IPF has also organized the event series BRIDGES – Dialogues Towards a Culture of Peace, holding over 800 events across Southeast Asia since 2003. By bringing together Nobel laureates and renowned artists, the series has achieved remarkable results in fostering academic cooperation and cultural exchange.

I want to thank the IPF for choosing to come to Taiwan so that we can advance educational exchanges and global peace together. The Taiwan BRIDGES event series is expected to begin next year, and six Nobel laureates in physics, medicine, chemistry, and economics will be invited to visit Taiwan. I am confident this program will not only benefit Taiwan’s scholars, but also deepen our international connections and enhance our global reach.

Taiwan, with its geopolitically strategic location, is an important democracy in the Indo-Pacific region. On this occasion, I want to express my special thanks to President Chen for his efforts in nurturing talent for the nation. For instance, last month, NTU inaugurated the International School of Politics and Economics with the aim to cultivate leaders in Taiwan with a global political and economic vision.

Additionally, LITEON Technology Founder and LITEON Group Chairman Raymond Soong (宋恭源) made a donation to NTU in August last year to establish an interdisciplinary top research exchange platform, which has facilitated collaboration between President Chen and Chairman Morawetz. I am grateful for Chairman Soong’s contributions.

I am also pleased to welcome Tzu Chi Charity Foundation CEO Yen Po-wen (顏博文) and Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps Senior Volunteer Doctor Lin Shih-han (林士涵) to the Presidential Office today. We have all witnessed over many years that whenever a disaster strikes Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers quickly provide relief, supporting those affected. After the April 3 earthquake this year, Tzu Chi set up response centers and shelters to assist the victims. The Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps has long provided medical and material assistance in remote and underserved areas. To date, it has set up free clinics in 50 countries and regions on more than 400 occasions. Such work is very admirable.

The public welfare organizations represented by these two distinguished guests exemplify the goodwill of Taiwan and align with the ideals of the IPF. I look forward to seeing even more international exchanges and cooperation in the future.

In closing, I hope that Chairman Morawetz will gain an even deeper understanding of Taiwan through this visit. I also wish the IPF and NTU great success in their collaboration.

Chairman Morawetz then delivered remarks, saying that in October last year, he visited Taiwan and met with Professor Lee Yuan-tseh (李遠哲), a Nobel laureate who has participated in BRIDGES events in Thailand and suggested having BRIDGES in Taiwan in the future. Through Professor Lee, the chairman said, they were introduced to NTU, who will be the main partner in the BRIDGES event series in Taiwan.

Chairman Morawetz said that the BRIDGES event series will run from November 2025 until April 2026, and that they will have many Nobel laureates visiting Taiwan. The aim, he said, is to promote Taiwan as an international hub for science, technology, sustainability, and innovation. The chairman also said they would like to further elevate Taiwan on the international map with a forward-looking program on education. With the participation of the science Nobel laureates, the brightest minds of the world, he said, BRIDGES wants to highlight Taiwan’s important role for peacebuilding, international cooperation, and global security. 

As the program is called BRIDGES, the chairman went on, they want to build long-term bridges between the Nobel laureates and Taiwan. He said that although the laureates will come to Taiwan for the first time, they can develop long-term relationships with institutions and universities, come to Taiwan more often, invite Taiwanese students to work in their labs abroad, or start research programs with universities. He said the program should be a long-term and sustainable success for Taiwan, and not just an event series. 

Chairman Morawetz indicated that six Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, medicine, and economics have already been confirmed to be hosted by NTU. He said he will also be going to Tainan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and other places because BRIDGES would like to include universities in other parts of Taiwan, involving the whole country in the program. It should be of benefit not only for the capital, he added, but for the whole country.

Chairman Morawetz stated that now there is still more than one year to prepare for the program, and BRIDGES wants to be as inclusive as possible to benefit as many institutions and organizations as possible. He said they want to build long-term relationships with as many foundations and charitable organizations as possible, so that not only one organization, but the whole country, benefits from the events.


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