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President Lai congratulates Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India on reelection
President Lai congratulates Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India on reelection

In response to the reelection of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Republic of India’s 18th Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) election, Presidential Office Spokesperson Karen Kuo (郭雅慧) on June 5 stated that on behalf of Taiwan’s people and government, President Lai Ching-te offers his sincere congratulations to the government and people of India on the success of their parliamentary election completed through democratic processes. President Lai also said that he looks forward to continued smooth policy implementation, robust national development, and greater prosperity of India, as well as the further deepening of Taiwan-India ties under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi.

Spokesperson Kuo stated that India is an important partner of Taiwan and that we share democratic values, adding that our partnership has advanced significantly in recent years. She expressed hope that, with the concerted efforts of both sides, we can continue to expand our exchanges and cooperation across multiple fronts, including the economy, trade, technology, education, and culture. Taiwan and India, she said, can further strengthen the already firm foundation of our bilateral relations and contribute more to democracy, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

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